Feb 2, 2009 · 1. A developing Christian character is fruit. If the goal of the Christian life may be stated as Christlikeness, then surely every trait ...
Feb 2, 2009 · To sum up, fruit includes: (1) a Christlike character, (2) a life characterized by good works, (3) a faithful witness, (4) a pair of lips that ...
Feb 2, 2009 · As the two trees grew, both produced began to flower and bear fruit. One day the farmer decided to gather the fruit from the tree nearest his ...
Mar 23, 2010 · New Testament believers have a rich source of aid in being "longsuffering," for it is a fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22). By knowing and obeying ...
Sep 12, 2012 · Figs were commonly used in the Scriptures as symbols of abundance or prosperity. Together with grapes and pomegranates, the spies whom Moses had ...
Aug 30, 2006 · Christ refers to Himself as “the vine” and His followers as “branches,” promising that those who abide in Him will “bear much fruit” (John 15:5) ...
Illustrations. SIM Missionaries · Christian Fruit · A Living and a Dead Faith · Bearing Fruit · What is Fruit? Two Fruit Trees - Different Fruit. Bible.org.
fruit site:bible.org from bible.org
Nov 5, 2018 · Jesus has the expectation that His disciples will not only grow but will also reproduce and be fruitful. Growth is a sign of spiritual life, but ...
Fruits are classified as fleshy, drupaceous, and dry. Fleshy fruits include berries, gourds, and melons, orangelike fruits and pomes; drupaceous fruits are ...
Feb 2, 2009 · Every Christian will bear spiritual fruit. Somewhere, sometime, somehow. Otherwise that person is not a believer.