highly, adv. 1 in a high degree (highly amusing; highly probable; commend it highly). 2 honourably; favourably (think highly of him). Idiom.
having unusually intense sexual desire or appeal. [WordNet 1.5]. For further exploring for "highly-sexed" in Webster Dictionary Online.
High thing is hupsoma, "a high place," "elevation," etc. (2 Cor 10:5, "casting down every high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God," "like a ...
search for verses that contains all of the search words. "fish bread" will search for verses that contains fish AND bread in minimum 1 bible version. phrase ...
high-proof. POS. : Adjective. top. CIDE DICTIONARY. high-proof, a. Highly rectified; very strongly alcoholic; as, high-proof spirits. [1913 Webster]. So as to ...
a high place used as altar to pagan gods. an eminence or high place. NET Glossary: a frequent expression in the Old Testament for centers of Canaanite ...
ESTEEM - es-tem' (chashabh; hegeomai): "To esteem" means sometimes simply "to think" or "reckon"; in other connections it means "to regard as honorable" or " ...
In the New Testament "exalt" is the translation of hupsoo, "to elevate" (not used with reference to God) (Mt 11:23; 23:12; Acts 2:33; 2 Cor 11:7; 1 Pet 5:6, etc ...
to think more highly 1. In AV: think more highly 1. Count: 1. Definition: 1) to think more highly of one's self than is proper. from 5228 and 5426; to esteem ...
Feb 2, 2009 · Highly Unpopular at First. It is hard to believe now, but the potato was once a highly unpopular food. When first introduced into England by Sir ...