A ring, such as in our country is placed through the nose of a bull, and similarly used in the East for leading about lions -- (Ezekiel 19:4) where the ...
search for verses that contains words that similar in spelling to the search words. "fish" will search verses that contain words which has similar spelling with ...
a many-pronged fork used in the sacrificial services (1 Sam. 2:13, 14; Ex. 27:3; 38:3) by the priest in drawing away the flesh. The fat of the sacrifice, ...
If Peter found himself to be a failure at fishing and a sinner in life, He found Christ to be sovereign, righteous, and all-sufficient. All of Peter's fears ...
"fish" will search verses that contain words which has similar spelling with fish. The result: "dish",etc. displaying, set the max displaying in one page. "20 ...
ROGET THESAURUS. cant hook. Impulse. N impulse, sudden thought, impromptu, improvisation, inspiration, flash, spurt, improvisatore, creature of impulse, ...
Fish-hooks [EBD]. were used for catching fish (Amos 4:2; comp. Isa. 37:29; Jer. 16:16; Ezek. 29:4; Job. 41:1, 2; Matt. 17:27).
The ancient Egyptian noblemen used to amuse themselves by fishing from their private fishpools with hook and line. ... The hook is still used in Bible lands, ...
The foregoing Hebrew word is clearly used for "hanging" as a mode of execution in Est 5:14; 6:4; 7:9 ff; 8:7; 9:13,14,25; but probably the "gallows" or "tree" ...