inwardly, adv. 1 on the inside. 2 in the mind or soul. 3 (of speaking) not aloud; inaudibly. Etymology. OE inweardlice (as ...
tn Grk “the fathers of our flesh.” In Hebrews, “flesh” is a characteristic way of speaking about outward, physical, earthly life (cf. Heb 5: ...
Feb 2, 2009 · I am inwardly fashioned for faith, not for fear. Fear is not my native land; faith is. I am so made that worry and anxiety are sand in the ...
INWARD PART - A symbolic expression in the Old Testament represented by three Hebrew words: chedher, "chamber," hence, inmost bowels or breast; tuchoth, "the ...
Inward; internal; hence, true; genuine; real; essential; inherent; not merely apparent or accidental; -- opposed to extrinsic ; as, the intrinsic value of ...
If you searched for multiple terms the search stats box on the left shows you the number of responses in the notes and in the text for each of your terms. You ...
Apr 4, 2020 · Watch out for false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are voracious wolves. You will recognize them by their fruit.
Feb 2, 2009 · ... teachers who will surely come; they will seem harmless or even attractive, but inwardly they will be like wolves—savage, wild, and destructive.
Inwardly Fashioned. I am inwardly fashioned for faith, not for fear. Fear is not my native land; faith is. I am so made that worry and anxiety are sand in ...
62:4 They spend all their time planning how to bring him down. They love to use deceit;. they pronounce blessings with their mouths,. but inwardly they utter ...