misappropriated, adj. taken for one's own use in violation of a trust. [WordNet 1.5]. For further exploring for "misappropriated" in Webster ...
misappropriate, v.tr. apply (usu. another's money) to one's own use, or to a wrong use. Derivative. misappropriation n.
Apr 9, 2020 · This was an act of misappropriation, a denial to either God or man of his rightful due. It was an offense that caused damage or loss that ...
In the Ephesian context at least, women had misappropriated authority by taking upon themselves the role of teacher.”[105]. Some people see red when they ...
It is needful to insist on this fact, for the noble word "priest" has been misappropriated and misapplied, so that its intrinsic import has been impaired.
Or have we misappropriated anything for our own use?” sn The upper millstone (Heb “millstone of riding”) refers to the heavy circular stone that was ...
4 There is one body and one Spirit , just as you too were called to the one hope of your calling , 5 one Lord , one faith , one baptism , 6 one God and Father ...
... misappropriated 1, receive 1, rebelled 1, pull out 1, proud 1, punished 1, raised up 1, raised 1, put up 1, pronounces 1, pronounced 1, plead 1, raises up 1 ...
Or have we misappropriated anything for our own use?” (0.46), 1Ch 26:26. Shelomith and his relatives were in charge of all the ...
Some lazy preachers have misappropriated this promise, but it applies to disciples who must answer charges leveled against them for their testimonies. Jesus ...