opposed, adj. characterized by active opposition; as, two bitterly opposing schools of thought. [WordNet 1.5]. acting in opposition to; ...
... opposition to, inimical, miserable, nonconforming, not easy, opposed, opposing, opposingly, opposite, recusant, rigorous, sectarian, sectary, sinister ...
In the New Testament it has a more varied significance and is applied to both material and human relations as simply opposite, set over against an object or ...
This stem means "to oppose," or "thwart" anyone in his purpose or claims. The angel of Yahweh was saTan to Balaam (Nu 22:22). The word often denotes a ...
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Aug 19, 2013 · When the enemy opposes us as he surely will, we should respond with prayer, work, vigilance, and focus on the Lord. If we only ...
Jan 9, 2006 · The opposition of the Sanhedrin is the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy. They thought they were in control, and they wanted Peter and John ...
Jul 12, 2013 · Expository study of Romans: To endure opposition, focus on God's great love as seen in His gift of His own Son.
THESAURUS. go against. antagonize, be antipathetic, be at cross-purposes, be inimical, beat against, clash, collide, conflict, conflict with, confute, ...
Aug 12, 2013 · People oppose the gospel because Satan has blinded them and the gospel confronts their sin; but God rules over all. This disturbance was not ...
Illustrations on: Oppose, Opposition. Illustrations. Neutral Countries. Bible.org. © 2024 Bible.org. All Rights Reserved. About.