RANKS [ISBE]. RANKS - ranks (prasid, "a square plot of ground," "a garden-bed"): "They sat down in ranks" (Mk 6:40); the several reclining ranks formed, ...
tn The Greek word τάξις can mean “order,” “discipline,” or even “unbroken ranks” (REB). (0.40), (Act ...
RANK [ISBE]. RANK - rank: (1) 'orach, used in Joel 2:7 of the advance of the locust army which marched in perfect order and in straight lines, none crossing ...
For out of the north comes a cloud of smoke, and there are no stragglers in its ranks. ... It ranks first among the works of God, the ...
"fish" will search verses that contain words which has similar spelling with fish. The result: "dish",etc. displaying, set the max displaying in one page. "20 ...
It ranks first among the works of God, the One who made it has furnished it with a sword. (0.36), 1Co 4:3. So for me, it is a minor ...
Rank-smelli. • rank-smelling · Copyright. with all of the words. with the phrase. with at least one of the words. without the words. start with.
ringleader 1. Count: 1. Definition: 1) one who stands in the front rank 1a) a leader, chief, champion. from 4413 and 2476; one standing first in the ranks, i.e. ...
RANGE [ISBE]. RANGE - ranj: "Range" and "rank" have the same derivation, and in the sense of a "row" (of men, etc.) they were formerly interchangeable.
Oct 20, 2006 · A Hierarchy of Doctrine. Not everything revealed in Scripture is of equal importance to the Christian. As one grows in the Christian life, it ...