sn The time all things are restored. What that restoration involves is already recorded in the scriptures of the nation of Israel. (0.53) ...
Aug 27, 2013 · Expository study of Genesis: To restore a fallen brother we need faith in God which is both bold and humble.
Aug 27, 2014 · “Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me. Do not banish me from your presence, and don't take your Holy Spirit ...
Nov 10, 2017 · God restored the broken relationship by reconciling us to Himself through Jesus' death. The word reconcile means to re-establish friendship ...
Uzziah built up Elat and restored it to Judah after King Amaziah had passed away. (0.87), Jer 49:6.
Apr 10, 2012 · As God designed and formed the human body, He knew, of course, that in the fullness of time even He would become a man.
Jun 20, 2013 · Expository study of Luke: Even when we fail the Lord badly, if we will repent God will restore us and use us again in His service.
Sometimes restoration does not feel like things are being restored. ... Sometimes the things God needs to restore are deep and he needs to go deeper.
In 2 Ki 5:3,6,7,11, "to restore to health" is 'acaph. In its intransitive sense "recover" is chiefly the translation of chayah, "to live," "revive" (2 Ki 1:2, ...
restore site:bible.org from blogs.bible.org
Feb 1, 2017 · The text tells us “that Elijah was afraid and ran for his life” (I Kings 19). This man who confronted the prophets of Baal to prove God was God ...