Feb 2, 2009 · Sometimes you'll be on a roll and everything will click; take maximum advantage. When the opposite is true, hold steady and wait it out.
Feb 2, 2009 · 1. Give something away (no strings attached)2. Do a kindness (and forget it)3. Spend a few minutes with the aged (their experience is a ...
Feb 2, 2009 · In this house... 1. We obey our Lord Jesus Christ. 2. We love, honor and pray for one another. 3. We tell the truth.
rules site:bible.org from blogs.bible.org
Jun 9, 2017 · Rules that are in accordance with God's ways are not about control but about loving well. Control is a necessity but only a side benefit. The ...
Feb 2, 2009 · 1. Never have more children than you have car windows.2. Never loan your car to someone to whom you have given birth.3.
Feb 2, 2009 · 4. Adequate Rest. Rely on God at all times in simple faith. 5. Clean Surroundings. Avoid evil company and whatever will weaken you spiritually ...
Feb 2, 2009 · Goudzwaard's three basic Biblical rules: 1. Every person is serving god(s) in his life. 2. Every person is transformed into an image of his ...
Feb 2, 2009 · The habit of regular morning and evening prayer is one which is indispensable to a believer's life, but the prescribing of the length of prayer, ...
May 18, 2004 · Since God is infinite, His sovereignty must be absolute. His rule must involve total control of everything in His domain—every circumstance, ...
Feb 2, 2009 · If you drop it - pick it up; If you sleep on it - make it up; If you wear it - hang it up; If you spill it - wipe it up; If you turn it on ...