Jul 20, 2009 · He knew about the past, understood the present, and seemingly could predict the future. The pictures he could draw were so life like that I ...
This word generally denotes a person from a foreign land residing in Palestine. Such persons enjoyed many privileges in common with the Jews, but still were ...
One not privy or party an act, contract, or title; a mere intruder or intermeddler; one who interferes without right; as, actual possession of land gives a ...
For "stranger" the usual Greek word is xenos, meaning primarily "guest" and so appearing in the combination "hatred toward guests" in The Wisdom of Solomon 19: ...
Feb 2, 2009 · The Stranger. A stranger entered the church in the middle of the sermon and seated himself in the back pew. After a while he began to fidget.
A free Israelite who became his slave was subject to redemption by a relative at any time on payment of the fair price (Lev 25:47 ff). This passage and Dt 28:43 ...
STRANGE WOMAN [ISBE]. STRANGE WOMAN - The Hebrew zar, translated "stranger," meant primarily one "who turns aside," i.e. to visit another country; ...
stranger site:bible.org from blogs.bible.org
Dec 18, 2019 · Read through the Gospels and you will see Christ full of life and emotion, at times exuberant with joy, and at others, longing for things to be ...
Feb 2, 2009 · Total Stranger. As someone else has said, “She won't listen to her conscience. She doesn't want to take advice from a total stranger.”.
Oct 21, 2010 · Have you ever walked into a place where you knew instantly, you didn't really fit in? For me, it's usually places like Home Depot, ...