submissive, adj. 1 humble; obedient. 2 yielding to power or authority; willing to submit. Derivative. submissively adv. submissiveness n. Etymology.
May 18, 2016 · To put oneself under the authority of another does not imply passivity. A submissive wife is not one who meekly goes along with her husband, ...
Aug 25, 2004 · First, in order to obey Paul's command to be submissive, the Christian wife must understand biblical doctrine. Christ, Paul has said, is the “ ...
Aug 25, 2004 · Peter begins by calling for Christians to submit themselves to those institutions and leaders which God Himself has ordained (1:13-17). He then ...
Jul 3, 2004 · (3) Submission is at the core of man's relationship with God. In the Garden of Eden, man was to submit to God, trusting in His Word and keeping ...
“And you, Solomon my son, obey the God of your father and serve him with a submissive attitude and a willing spirit, for the Lord examines all minds and ...
Apr 14, 2005 · “Be submissive to your husbands” means that a wife will willingly submit to her husband's authority and leadership in the marriage. It means ...
Jan 23, 2007 · Paul says "submit" or "subject yourself" to your husband. Peter says "to your own husband." That eliminates the possibility of women being ...
Sep 12, 2013 · Being submissive does not mean being a weak, Caspar Milquetoast type person. ... Being submissive as Jesus was does not mean abandoning God ...