ROGET THESAURUS. Tomorrow. Futurity. N futurity, futurition, future, hereafter, time to come, approaching time, coming time, subsequent time, after time, ...
Dec 4, 2015 · When we shall be forever with the Lord, When disappointment, grief, and fear are gone, Sorrow forgot, love's purest joys restored. Be still, my ...
(0.20), (Psa 39:6). 1 sn People go through life (Heb “man walks about”). “Walking” is here used as a metaphor for living.
The derivative mo-chorath, is "the following day," "all the next day," especially after yom ("day"), but usually coupled with a noun following, as in Lev 23:11, ...
Feb 2, 2009 · “I looked at the mountain. 'It is too hard, Lord,' I said; 'I cannot climb.' 'Take My hand,' He whispered; 'I will be your strength.' I saw the ...
search for verses that contains all of the search words. "fish bread" will search for verses that contains fish AND bread in minimum 1 bible version. phrase ...
Nov 6, 2018 · When you take up the belt of truth (6:14) first put off lies. Allow the Spirit to convict you regarding lies, hypocrisy or exaggerations; then ...
Apr 3, 2012 · Deuteronomy 6:4-9 reminds us that it is ultimately the parent's job to be their spiritual leaders; but, praise God that we get to help nurture ...
Jun 12, 2020 · Decide today who you will be tomorrow-Purposeful living brings reconciliation. ... Decide today to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly ...
Feb 2, 2009 · Nolbert Quayle said, “Only a few minutes' delay cost him his life, his honor, and the liberty of his soldiers. Earth's history is strewn with ...