ultimately adj. ultimateness n. Etymology. LL ultimatus past part. of ultimare come to an end. top. THESAURUS. Ultimate. absolute, acmatic, ...
(0.80), Ecc 2:15. So I thought to myself, “The fate of the fool will happen even to me! Then what did I gain by becoming so excessively ...
Everyone shares the same fate – the righteous and the wicked, the good and the bad, the ceremonially clean and unclean, those who offer sacrifices and those who ...
Jan 1, 2001 · The best solution is to simply take the Word of God at face value and not attempt to make it fit our logic. Both truths, God's sovereign ...
If you searched for multiple terms the search stats box on the left shows you the number of responses in the notes and in the text for each of your terms. You ...
probably ultimately from pelomai (to be busy, to trade). Reference: -. PrtSpch ... In AV: sell 21, be sold 1. Count: 22. Definition: 1) to barter, to sell 2) ...
Jan 1, 2001 · Yes, God is absolutely sovereign; He is absolutely good. And his sovereignty and his goodness cannot be compartmentalized; he is fully sovereign ...
Aug 28, 2013 · Expository study of Genesis: God blesses the one who obediently surrenders everything to Him.
Jan 1, 2001 · Both freedom and law or discipline have their roots in the Old Testament covenants and their promise of liberty and justice through righteous ...
Jul 17, 2008 · “Lord, give me that kind of faith. Help me trust You so deeply that I would be willing to make whatever sacrifice you ask of me, knowing that ...