warlpiri | warly | warm | warm front | warm the bench | warm to | warm up | warm-blooded | warm-hearted | warm-toned | warm-up. warm to. RELATED WORDS : warm ...
Jun 23, 2016 · Rather happy or sad, beaten, or broken, frustrated or floating, feelings can come and go yet one's consistency in seeking the face of the Lord ...
Syn. -- Burning; fiery; fervid; glowing; eager; animated; brisk; vehement; precipitate; violent; furious; ardent; fervent; impetuous; irascible; passionate; ...
Feb 2, 2009 · One cold winter's day a crowd of people stood in front of a pet shop window and watched a litter of puppies snuggling up to each other.
heat 9, hot 4, warm 1. Count: 14. Definition: 1) heat, hot. from 2552; heat:-heat, to be hot (warm). see HEBREW for 02552. Also search for "chom" and display ...
The king shows favor to a wise servant, but his wrath falls on one who acts shamefully. (0.24), Pro 31 ...
heated, adj. characterized by great warmth and intensity of feeling; as, a heated argument. Opposite of dispassionate, passionless . [WordNet 1.5].
Feb 2, 2009 · Light and Heat. Some people will change when they see the light. Others change only when they feel the heat.
Fervent, adj. 1 ardent, impassioned, intense (fervent admirer; fervent hatred). 2 hot, glowing. ... fervency n. fervently adv. Etymology. ME f.