Aster amellus sivustolta en.m.wikipedia.org
Aster amellus, the European Michaelmas daisy, is a perennial herbaceous plant and the type species of the genus Aster and the family Asteraceae.
Aster amellus sivustolta www.gardenia.net
Aster amellus 'Grunder' (Italian Aster) is a distinctive variety with profuse sprays of large, deep lavender-blue flowers. Blooming for weeks in fall, it's ...


Elokuunasteri on lajikkeesta riippuen sinipuna- tai harvemmin puna- tai valkokukkainen asterikasvi. Se kukkii elo-syyskuussa. Se on kotoisin Euroopan itäosista sekä Siperian länsiosista. Kooltaan kasvi on lajikkeesta riippuen 30–60 senttimetriä,... Wikipedia
Yläluokka: Asterit
Tieteellinen nimi: Aster amellus
Ihmiset kysyvät myös
Aster amellus, commonly known as Italian aster or Italian starwort, is a compact bushy aster that typically grows to 2-2.5' tall and as wide. It is native to ...
Aster amellus sivustolta www.gardenia.net
Compact and fast-growing, up to 24 in. tall and wide (60 cm), its flowering sprays are held upright, and its woody stems are clad with oval, dark green leaves.
Aster amellus sivustolta www.inaturalist.org
Aster amellus, the European Michaelmas-daisy, is a perennial herbaceous plant of the genus Aster, belonging to the Asteraceae family.
Aster amellus sivustolta pfaf.org
Aster amellus is a PERENNIAL growing to 0.7 m (2ft 4in) by 0.5 m (1ft 8in). See above for USDA hardiness. It is hardy to UK zone 5 and is not frost tender.
Aster amellus sivustolta www.lovethegarden.com
The Aster amellus is one species of Aster flower in a family of thousands. It is widely known as the European, or Eurasian, type of Aster.
Italian aster. General Information. Symbol: ASAM12. Group: Dicot. Duration: Growth Habit: Native Status: Not in PFA. Other Common Names: Italian starwort ...
Aster amellus sivustolta www.jelitto.com
Life Cycle: Perennial. Family: Asteraceae. Basic Colour: (violet). Flower Colour: lavender blue. Natural Flowering Period: July - September.
Aster amellus sivustolta en.hortipedia.com
Aster amellus is the type species of the genus Aster which contains between 248 and 706 species and belongs to the family of the Asteraceae (Aster Family).