Exploring history and geography in schools of rural India

Exploration = Education

"Place" is universal, spanning disciplines, cultures, and nature, connecting us all to the surrounding world. Google Earth enables everyone to interpret and understand these relationships by visualizing locations, directions, geophysical features, and environmental changes. The more we engage with Google Earth, the better we understand our interdependent world, and the more equipped we are for a global future.

Finding Home
At 5 years old, Saroo Brierley was lost in India. From a continent away, and 25 years later, he found his way home with Google Earth.
Take Flight with a Hornbill
Google Earth will let you see the world from a bird's-eye-view above and then drop you down to the ground beneath tree tops.
A Storytelling Odyssey
Journalist and National Geographic Fellow Paul Salopek is walking the globe in the footsteps of our ancient forebears. Follow along as he reveals hidden stories of Earth’s remote corners, and of the people who inhabit them.

To learn more about Google Earth, visit the help center.

Discover India

Using the Search feature, you can easily learn more about places around the world by clicking open the related Knowledge Card. Within the card you will find detailed information and related places to explore.

Learn About India in a New Way

India Literacy Project (ILP) is a non profit organization dedicated to the cause of literacy in India, working in over 1,700 villages and 3,300 schools. In the past 10 years ILP created the Multi-Dimensional Learning Space (MDLS) initiative as a during-school and after-school program that provides opportunities for school children to experiment, discover, and learn in multiple ways. As a part of its MDLS program, ILP has been working with Google Earth to create interactive content for students to learn the Social Sciences (History & Geography).

Using Google Earth, Google Maps, and Street View, the ILP team - including ILP-Youth volunteers - created interactive content that is mapped to the school curriculum of 4 states (Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Telangana) for Grades 5 through 10.

This powerful education package shows historical sites, flows of rivers, and kingdoms of various rulers. Tailored content for each grade has enabled the teacher to navigate the curriculum in an easy manner and take their classrooms on virtual journeys that capture the imagination of young minds as they seek to understand and explore the world around them, both past and present.

~ Padmaja Sathyamoorthy ILP, Operations Coordinator

Travel Back in Time
Learn about the rulers, politics, art and architecture of the vast Vijayanagar Kingdom.
Follow India’s Lifelines
Follow the paths of Indian rivers and learn how they shape landscape, culture, and life.
Change Your Perspective
History of India and its civilization dates back to at least 6500 BC which perhaps makes the oldest surviving civilization in the world. Google Earth helps visualize its glorious past.