Accueil0410 • HKG
SOHO China Ltd
0,71 $
12 juil., 16:08:27 UTC+8 · HKD · HKG · Clause de non-responsabilité
ActionPays où le titre est coté : HK
Dernière clôture
0,70 $
Variation sur la journée
0,69 $ - 0,72 $
Plage sur l'année
0,62 $ - 1,29 $
Capitalisation boursière
3,69 Md HKD
Volume moyen
1,92 M
Ratio cours/bénéfices
Rendement (dividendes)
Place boursière principale
Actualités des marchés
Données financières
Compte de résultat
Chiffre d'affaires
Résultat net
(CNY)déc. 2023Variation Y/Y
Chiffre d'affaires
428,52 M-2,50 %
Charges d'exploitation
115,62 M59,57 %
Résultat net
-96,76 M-49,59 %
Marge bénéficiaire nette
-22,58-53,40 %
Bénéfice par action
249,90 M-24,43 %
Taux d'imposition effectif
-225,88 %
Total des actifs
Total du passif
(CNY)déc. 2023Variation Y/Y
Trésorerie/Invest. court terme
769,46 M122,56 %
Total des actifs
68,62 Md-0,33 %
Total du passif
31,42 Md-0,18 %
Total des capitaux propres
37,20 Md
Actions en circulation
5,20 Md
Ratio cours/valeur comptable
Rentabilité des actifs
0,85 %
Retour sur capitaux
1,10 %
Variation nette en trésorerie
(CNY)déc. 2023Variation Y/Y
Résultat net
-96,76 M-49,59 %
Trésorerie (opérations)
154,87 M55,46 %
Trésorerie (invest.)
-69,00 k-100,04 %
Trésorerie (financement)
-84,34 M73,76 %
Variation nette en trésorerie
71,10 M222,80 %
Flux de trésorerie dispo.
39,70 M-64,49 %
À propos
SOHO China is a Chinese building developer, primarily in the office and commercial sector, with some residential and mixed-use properties in its portfolio. The company, which uses the name "SOHO" in both English and Chinese contexts, was founded in 1995 by Chairman Pan Shiyi and CEO Zhang Xin. The name SOHO comes from the phrase "Smart Office, Home Office" as the company decided to combine office rooms and residential apartments in the same building to facilitate a comfortable and productive environment. SOHO China focuses on developing properties in the central business districts of Beijing and Shanghai. SOHO China developments are known for their modern architecture, with designs from figures such as Iraqi architect Zaha Hadid, and Japanese architect Kengo Kuma. The company has developed over five million square meters of commercial properties. Many of its buildings have won awards and other recognition for their design. Fortune has described SOHO China as ""one of the country's most high-profile real estate firms", and The New York Times has described the company as China's only pure prime office developer. Wikipedia
Date de fondation
1 646
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