Faqja kryesoreARS / PYG • Monedhë
22 korr, 2:16:00 e pasdites, UTC · Mohimi i përgjegjësisë
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The peso is the currency of Argentina since 1992, identified within Argentina by the symbol $ preceding the amount in the same way as many countries using peso or dollar currencies. It is subdivided into 100 centavos and then Central Bank introduced new issues with peso subdivisions like 1, 2, 5 and 10. Due to rapid inflation, coins are not used. Same situation occurs with 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1,000 and 2,000 peso banknotes, these banknotes are no longer printed, but they're still valid. Its ISO 4217 code is ARS. It replaced the austral at a rate of 10,000 australes to one peso. Argentine currency has experienced severe inflation, with periods of hyperinflation, since the mid-20th century, with periodic change of the currency to a new version at a rate ranging from 100:1 to 10,000:1. A new peso introduced in 1992, officially the peso convertible de curso legal, was worth 10,000,000,000,000 pesos moneda nacional, the currency in use until 1970. Since the early 21st century, the peso has experienced further substantial inflation, reaching 289.4% year-on-year in April 2024, the highest since the current peso was introduced in the Convertibility plan of 1991. Wikipedia
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