SākumlapaCAD / YER • Valūta
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Par Kanādas dolārs
Kanādas dolārs ir Kanādas oficiālā valūta. To parasti apzīmē ar dolāra zīmi, vai ar C$, lai atšķirtu no citu valstu valūtām, ko arī sauc par dolāriem. 1 dolārs atbilst 100 centiem. Pamatojoties uz 2007. gada datiem, Kanādas dolārs ir septītā mainītākā valūta aiz ASV dolāra, euro, jēnas, sterliņu mārciņas, Šveices franka un Austrālijas dolāra. Vēl Kanādas dolāru izmanto Senpjērā un Mikelonā, kur tā ir neoficiālā valūta. Centrālā banka, kas izdot valūtu, ir Kanādas Banka. 2011. gada februārī viens Kanādas dolārs atbilda 52,6 santīmiem. WikipediaPar Jemenas riāls
The rial is the official currency of the Republic of Yemen. It is technically divided into 100 fils, although coins denominated in fils have not been issued since Yemeni unification. Due to the ongoing political instability, the value of the Yemeni rial has fallen significantly.
The Yemeni civil war has caused the currency to diverge. In southern Yemen, which is primarily controlled by UAE-backed separatists and the former government backed by Saudi Arabia, ongoing printing has caused the currency's value to plummet. However, in northern Yemen, which is primarily controlled by Ansar Allah with support from Iran, banknotes printed after 2017 are not considered legal tender. Therefore, the exchange rate has remained stable. The differences in banknotes printed before and after 2017 can be determined by its size. Wikipedia