Faqja kryesoreCNY / SEK • Monedhë
3 nën, 8:18:00 e pasdites, UTC · Mohimi i përgjegjësisë
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The renminbi, also known as the Chinese yuan, is the official currency of the People's Republic of China. The renminbi is issued by the People's Bank of China, the monetary authority of China. It is the world's fifth-most-traded currency as of April 2022. The yuan is the basic unit of the renminbi. One yuan is divided into 10 jiao, and the jiao is further subdivided into 10 fen. The word yuan is widely used to refer to the Chinese currency generally, especially in international contexts. Wikipedia
The krona is the currency of the Kingdom of Sweden. It is one of the currencies of the European Union. Both the ISO code "SEK" and currency sign "kr" are in common use for the krona; the former precedes or follows the value, the latter usually follows it but, especially in the past, it sometimes preceded the value. In English, the currency is sometimes referred to as the Swedish crown, as krona means "crown" in Swedish. The Swedish krona was the ninth-most traded currency in the world by value in April 2016. One krona is subdivided into 100 öre. Coins as small as 1 öre were formerly in use, but the last coin smaller than 1 krona was discontinued in 2010. Goods can still be priced in öre, but all sums are rounded to the nearest krona when paying with cash. The word öre is ultimately derived from the Latin word for gold. Wikipedia
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