Ellaktor ADR
2,13 $
12 lug, 00:18:50 GMT-4 · USD · OTCMKTS · Disclaimer
Titolo quotato in USA
Chiusura precedente
2,13 $
Intervallo annuale
2,13 $ - 2,13 $
Cap di mercato
866,48 Mln EUR
Indice climatico CDP
Notizie del mercato finanziario
Dati finanziari
Conto economico
Utile netto
(EUR)mar 2024Variazione Y/Y
90,00 Mln-1,02%
Spese di gestione
24,60 Mln103,36%
Utile netto
24,00 Mln789,46%
Margine di profitto netto
Utili per azione
48,12 Mln18,62%
Aliquota fiscale effettiva
Totale attivo
Totale passivo
(EUR)mar 2024Variazione Y/Y
Investimenti cash/breve termine
676,90 Mln58,90%
Totale attivo
2,00 Mrd-19,75%
Totale passivo
999,20 Mln-37,26%
Patrimonio netto totale
1,00 Mrd
Azioni in circolazione
347,16 Mln
Prezzo/valore contabile
Redditività dell'attivo
Rendimento sul capitale
Flusso di cassa netto
(EUR)mar 2024Variazione Y/Y
Utile netto
24,00 Mln789,46%
Liquidità di esercizio
Contanti da investimenti
Contanti da finanziamenti
Flusso di cassa netto
Flusso di cassa libero
ELLAKTOR Group is the largest infrastructure group in Greece and one of the leading in Southeastern Europe, with an international presence and a diversified portfolio of activities, focusing on construction, concessions, environment, renewable energy and real estate development. With operations in 22 countries and nearly 7,500 employees, ELLAKTOR Group generates a turnover of €915.5 million. Combining 70 years of expertise in the most complex and demanding projects with the latest technologies, ELLAKTOR Group breathes life into projects that accelerate growth and improve the quality of life in communities across the world. 21 years after the triple merger of Elliniki Technodomiki, AKTOR and TEV that created ELLAKTOR, the Group is redefined by setting modern corporate governance as a cornerstone and by giving priority to enhancing Group operations, to reorganizing capital structure and to further capitalizing on synergies, in order to provide increased added value to its shareholders, its employees and the Greek economy. ELLAKTOR Group is among the top 100 global manufacturing groups. Wikipedia
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