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Angliya funt sterlingi haqida
Funt sterling Birlashgan Qirollikning rasmiy valyutasidir.
Funt sterling — Bukj Britaniya pul birligi. 1 Funt sterling = 100 pens. 11-asrdan kumushdan, 14-asr oʻrtalaridan oltindan ham tangalar shaklida zarb qilingan. Funt sterling banknotlarini Angliya banki 1694-yildan chiqara boshlagan. Jahondagi eng barkaror valyutalardan biri. Xalqaro valyutalar kursi boʻyicha 0,7 Funt sterling = 1 AQSH dollari. Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi Markaziy banki belgilagan kurs boʻyicha 1 Funt sterling = 1581 soʻm 22 tiyin. WikipediaNepal rupiyasi haqida
The Nepalese rupee is the official currency of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal. The Nepalese rupee is subdivided into 100 paisa. The issuance of the currency is controlled by the Nepal Rastra Bank, the central bank of Nepal. The Nepalese rupee was introduced in 1932 when it replaced the Nepalese mohar at the rate 2:1.
The Nepalese rupee has been pegged to the Indian rupee at the rate रु.1.60 = ₹1 since 1994; prior to this, it had been pegged at the rate रु.1.45 = ₹1. Wikipedia