Genting Malaysia Bhd
2,53 RM
12 jul, 17:31:01 GMT+8 · MYR · KLSE · Renuncia de responsabilidad
AcciónValor cotizado en MY
Cierre anterior
2,52 RM
Intervalo diario
2,50 RM - 2,54 RM
Intervalo anual
2,40 RM - 2,94 RM
Cap. bursátil
15,02 mil M MYR
Volumen medio
11,01 M
Relación precio-beneficio
Rentabilidad por dividendo
5,93 %
Bolsa de valores principal
En las noticias
Datos financieros
Estado de resultados
Ingresos netos
(MYR)mar 2024Cambio interanual
2764,91 M21,08 %
Gastos operativos
400,70 M47,68 %
Ingresos netos
57,78 M311,05 %
Margen de beneficio neto
2,09274,17 %
Beneficios por acción
0,01452,91 %
648,09 M13,84 %
Tipo impositivo efectivo
68,35 %
Activos totales
Responsabilidades totales
(MYR)mar 2024Cambio interanual
Efectivo y a corto plazo
3623,86 M32,34 %
Activos totales
29,58 mil M4,07 %
Responsabilidades totales
17,76 mil M4,84 %
Patrimonio total
11,83 mil M
Acciones en circulación
5667,74 M
Precio-valor contable
Rentabilidad económica
2,88 %
Retorno sobre capital
3,38 %
Variación neta del flujo de caja
(MYR)mar 2024Cambio interanual
Ingresos netos
57,78 M311,05 %
Efectivo de operaciones
517,01 M54,28 %
Efectivo de inversión
-625,22 M-292,32 %
Efectivo de financiación
-190,46 M61,94 %
Variación neta del flujo de caja
-261,09 M14,53 %
Flujo de caja libre
478,45 M172,52 %
Información sobre la empresa
Genting Malaysia Berhad, commonly known as Genting Malaysia, started in 1980 in Malaysia. In 1989, Genting Group and Resorts World Bhd underwent a restructuring exercise, which resulted in Resorts World Bhd acquiring from Genting Group of its entire gaming, hotel and resort-related operations inclusive of goodwill and other relevant assets. Resorts World Bhd is the subsidiary company of Genting Bhd under the leisure and hospitality division. Basically it manages everything at Genting Highlands except First World Hotel and First World Plaza, which are under First World Hotel & Resort Sdn Bhd. Resorts World Bhd's main activities includes tourist resort business at Genting Highlands and its activities cover leisure and hospitality services, which comprise amusement, gaming, hotel and entertainment. There are currently six hotel properties at Genting Highlands Resort comprising Genting Hotel, Highlands Hotel, Theme Park Hotel and Resort Hotel, Awana Genting Highlands, Golf & Country Resort and First World Hotel. People tend to confuse in determining the exact name of the place. The geographical place name is called Genting Highlands. Wikipedia
Director ejecutivo
7 may 1980
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