AvalehtJPY / CUP • Raha
10. juuli, 18:23:00 UTC · Välistus
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Jeen on Jaapani rahaühik alates 1871. aastast. ISO 4217 kood on JPY ning rahvusvaheline tähis ¥, riigisiseselt kasutatakse tähisena kanji märki 円. Üks jeen jaguneb 100 seniks või 1000 riniks, kuid need korjati käibelt juba 1954. aastal. Wikipedia
The Cuban peso also known as moneda nacional, is the official currency of Cuba. The Cuban peso historically circulated at par with the Spanish-American silver dollar from the 16th to 19th centuries, and then at par with the U.S. dollar from 1881 to 1959. The Castro government then introduced the socialist planned economy and pegged the peso to the Soviet ruble. The Soviet Union's collapse in 1991 resulted in a Special Period of difficult economic adjustments for Cuba. From 1994 to 2020 the Cuban peso co-circulated with the Cuban convertible peso, which was convertible to and fixed against the U.S. dollar, and which was generally available to the public at a rate of US$1 = CUC 1 = CUP 25. State enterprises under the socialist planned economy, though, were entitled to exchange CUPs into CUCs and U.S. dollars at the official, subsidized rate of US$1 = CUC 1 = CUP 1, within prescribed limits. From 1 January 2021 Cuba implemented the so-called "Day Zero" of monetary unification which abolished the Cuban convertible peso as well as the 1 CUP/USD rate for state enterprises. Wikipedia
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