דף הביתJPY / GYD • מטבע
16 ביולי, 10:40:00 UTC · כתב ויתור
שער חליפין
שער סגירה קודם
חדשות שוק ההון
ין יפני הוא המטבע הרשמי של יפן. זהו המטבע השלישי הנסחר ביותר בשוק מטבע החוץ אחרי דולר אמריקני והאירו. הקיצור הבנקאי לשם המטבע לפי תקן ISO 4217 הוא JPY. Wikipedia
The Guyanese dollar has been the unit of account in Guyana since 29 January 1839. Originally it was intended as a transitional unit to facilitate the changeover from the Dutch guilder system of currency to the British pound sterling system. The Spanish dollar was already prevalent throughout the West Indies in general, and from 1839, the Spanish dollar unit operated in British Guiana in conjunction with British sterling coins at a standard conversion rate of one dollar for every four shillings and twopence. In 1951 the British sterling coinage was replaced with a new decimal coinage which was simultaneously introduced through all the British territories in the Eastern Caribbean. When sterling began to depreciate in the early 1970s, a switch to a US dollar peg became increasingly attractive as an anti-inflationary measure and the Eastern Caribbean Currency Authority made the switch in October 1975. The Guyanese dollar is normally abbreviated with the dollar sign $, or alternatively G$ to distinguish it from other dollar-denominated currencies. Wikipedia
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