Faqja kryesoreJPY / LBP • Monedhë
10 korr, 9:26:00 e paradites, UTC · Mohimi i përgjegjësisë
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The yen is the official currency of Japan. It is the third-most traded currency in the foreign exchange market, after the United States dollar and the euro. It is also widely used as a third reserve currency after the US dollar and the euro. The New Currency Act of 1871 introduced Japan's modern currency system, with the yen defined as 1.5 g of gold, or 24.26 g of silver, and divided decimally into 100 sen or 1,000 rin. The yen replaced the previous Tokugawa coinage as well as the various hansatsu paper currencies issued by feudal han. The Bank of Japan was founded in 1882 and given a monopoly on controlling the money supply. Following World War II, the yen lost much of its pre-war value. To stabilize the Japanese economy, the exchange rate of the yen was fixed at ¥360 per US$ as part of the Bretton Woods system. When that system was abandoned in 1971, the yen became undervalued and was allowed to float. The yen had appreciated to a peak of ¥271 per US$ in 1973, then underwent periods of depreciation and appreciation due to the 1973 oil crisis, arriving at a value of ¥227 per US$ by 1980. Wikipedia
The lira or pound is the currency of Lebanon. It was formerly divided into 100 piastres but, because of high inflation during the Lebanese Civil War, subunits were discontinued. The plural of lira is either lirat or invariant, whilst there are four forms for qirsh: the dual qirshān used with number 2, the plural qurush used with numbers 3–10, the accusative singular qirshan used with 11–99, and the genitive singular qirsh used with multiples of 100. The number determines which plural form is used. All of Lebanon's coins and banknotes are bilingual in Arabic and French. From December 1997 through January 2023, the exchange rate was fixed at LL 1,507.50 per US dollar. However, since the 2020 economic crisis in Lebanon, exchange at this rate was generally unavailable, and an informal currency market developed with much higher exchange rates. On 1 February 2023, the Central Bank reset the currency peg at LL 15,000 per US dollar. By mid-March 2023, the "parallel market" rate had fallen to LL 100,000 per dollar. Wikipedia
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