Kid Brands Inc
۲۰ تیر, ۰:۱۹:۲۹ (‎−۴ گرینویچ) · USD · OTCMKTS · سلب مسئولیت
سهامفهرست اوراق بهادار آمریکادفتر مرکزی در آمریکا
آخرین مورد بسته‌شده
ارزش بازار
۲٫۲۱ هزار USD
میانگین حجم معاملاتی
۱۷٫۰۰ هزار
نسبت قیمت/درآمد به‌ازای هر سهم
بازده سود سهام
بورس اوراق بهادار اصلی
اخبار بازار
Kid Brands, Inc. was a company that designed, developed and distributed infant and juvenile branded products. These products were distributed through mass market, baby super stores, specialty, food, drug, independent, and e-commerce retailers worldwide. The company’s operating business were composed of four wholly owned subsidiaries: Kids Line, LLC; LaJobi, Inc.; Sassy, Inc.; and CoCaLo, Inc. These subsidiaries designed and marketed branded infant and juvenile products in a number of complementary categories, including infant bedding and related nursery accessories and décor, food preparation and nursery appliances, and diaper bags; nursery furniture and related products; and developmental toys and feeding, bath and baby care items with features that addressed the various stages of an infant’s early years. In addition to the company’s branded products, the company also marketed certain categories or products under various licenses, including Carter's, Disney, Graco, and Serta. Kid Brands was founded in 1963 was based in East Rutherford, New Jersey. The company had operations in southern California, New Jersey, Michigan, and in some foreign countries. Wikipedia
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