AvalehtSGD / MOP • Raha
9. juuli, 19:56:00 UTC · Välistus
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The Singapore dollar is the official currency of the Republic of Singapore. It is divided into 100 cents. It is normally abbreviated with the dollar sign $, or S$ to distinguish it from other dollar-denominated currencies. The Monetary Authority of Singapore issues the banknotes and coins of the Singapore dollar. As of 2022, the Singapore dollar is the 10th most-traded currency in the world by value. Apart from its use in Singapore, the Singapore dollar is also accepted as customary tender in Brunei according to the Currency Interchangeability Agreement between the Monetary Authority of Singapore and the Autoriti Monetari Brunei Darussalam. Likewise, the Brunei dollar is also customarily accepted in Singapore. Wikipedia
The Macanese pataca or Macau pataca is the currency of the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. It is subdivided into 100 avos, with 10 avos called ho in Cantonese. Macau has a currency board system under which the pataca is 100 per cent backed by foreign exchange reserves, in this case currently the Hong Kong dollar. Moreover, the currency board, Monetary Authority of Macau, has a statutory obligation to issue and redeem Macau pataca on demand against the Hong Kong dollar at a fixed exchange rate of HK$1 = MOP 1.03, and without limit. Wikipedia
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