Pagina de pornireSGD / MVR • Monedă
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The Singapore dollar is the official currency of the Republic of Singapore. It is divided into 100 cents. It is normally abbreviated with the dollar sign $, or S$ to distinguish it from other dollar-denominated currencies. The Monetary Authority of Singapore issues the banknotes and coins of the Singapore dollar. As of 2022, the Singapore dollar is the 10th most-traded currency in the world by value. Apart from its use in Singapore, the Singapore dollar is also accepted as customary tender in Brunei according to the Currency Interchangeability Agreement between the Monetary Authority of Singapore and the Autoriti Monetari Brunei Darussalam. Likewise, the Brunei dollar is also customarily accepted in Singapore. Wikipedia
The Maldivian rufiyaa is the currency of the Maldives. The issuance of the currency is controlled by the Maldives Monetary Authority. The most commonly used symbols for the rufiyaa are MVR and Rf. The ISO 4217 code for Maldivian rufiyaa is MVR. The rufiyaa is subdivided into 100 laari. The name "rufiyaa" is derived from the Sanskrit रूप्य. The midpoint of exchange rate is Rf. 12/85 per US dollar and the rate is permitted to fluctuate within a ±20% band, i.e. between Rf. 10/28 and Rf. 15/42 as of 10 April 2017. Wikipedia
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