SākumlapaSMI • Indekss
Swiss Market Index
11 993,83
1. jūl., 05:50:24 GMT+2 · INDEXSWX · Atruna
Slēgšanas kurss
12 004,31
Dienas diapazons
11 980,20 - 12 058,05
Gada diapazons
10 251,33 - 12 295,18
The Swiss Market Index is Switzerland's blue-chip stock market index, which makes it the most followed in the country. It is made up of 20 of the largest and most liquid Swiss Performance Index stocks. As a price index, the SMI is not adjusted for dividends. The SMI was introduced on 30 June 1988 at a baseline value of 1,500 points. It closed above the symbolic level of 10,000 points for the first time on 2 July 2019. It reached the 12,000 point milestone on 17 June 2021. It is currently in a bear market, which it entered on 22 September 2022 after losing more than 20%. This ended the bull market that had reached an all-time record closing price short of 13,000 on 28 December 2021. Its composition is examined once a year. As of September 2022, it contains 18 large-caps and two mid-caps. Calculation takes place in real-time. As soon as a new transaction occurs in a security contained in the SMI, an updated index level is calculated and displayed. However, the index is updated no more than once per second. The SMI is calculated in Swiss Francs, the currency of the Swiss Confederation. Wikipedia
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