EtusivuSXXP • Indeksi
STOXX Europe 600
1. marrask., 23.03.03 UTC+1 · INDEXSTOXX · Vastuuvapauslauseke
Viimeisin päätös
Päivän väli
505,44 - 512,17
Vuoden väli
433,33 - 528,68
The STOXX Europe 600, also called STOXX 600, SXXP, is a stock index of European stocks designed by STOXX Ltd. This index has a fixed number of 600 components representing large, mid and small capitalization companies among 17 European countries, covering approximately 90% of the free-float market capitalization of the European stock market. The countries that make up the index are the United Kingdom, France, Switzerland and Germany, as well as Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, and Sweden. The STOXX Europe 600 was introduced in 1998. Its composition is reviewed four times a year, in March, June, September, December. The index is available in several currency and return variant combinations. It is licensed to financial institutions to serve as underlying for a wide range of investment products such as exchange-traded funds, futures, options, and structured products worldwide. Wikipedia
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