AvalehtTHB / MMK • Raha
3. juuli, 02:25:00 UTC · Välistus
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The baht is the official currency of Thailand. It is divided into 100 satang. Prior to decimalisation, the baht was divided into eight feuang, each of eight att. The issuance of currency is the responsibility of the Bank of Thailand. SWIFT ranked the Thai baht as the 10th-most-frequently used world payment currency as of December 2023. Wikipedia
The kyat is the currency of Myanmar. The typical notation for the kyat is "K" and "Ks.", placed before the numerals followed by "/-". Amounts less than K. 1/- are typically denoted with the number of pyas following "-/". The term kyat derives from the Burmese unit kyattha, equal to 16.3 grams of silver. Wikipedia
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