Domača stranTWD / AED • valuta
16. jul., 22:43:00 UTC · Izjava
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The New Taiwan dollar is the official currency of the Republic of China. The New Taiwan dollar has been the currency of the island of Taiwan since 1949, when it replaced the old Taiwan dollar, at a rate of 40,000 old dollars per one new dollar. The base unit of the New Taiwan dollar is called a yuan, subdivided into ten chiao or 100 fen, although in practice neither chiao nor fen are ever actually used. There are a variety of alternative names for the units in Taiwan. The unit of the dollar is typically informally written with the simpler equivalent character as 元, except when writing it for legal transactions such as at the bank, when it has to be written as 圓. Colloquially, the currency unit is called both 元 and 塊 in Mandarin, 箍 in Hokkien, and 銀 in Hakka. The Central Bank of the Republic of China has issued the New Taiwan Dollar since 2000. Prior to 2000, the Bank of Taiwan issued banknotes as the de facto central bank between 1949 and 1961, and after 1961 continued to issue banknotes as a delegate of the central bank. The central bank began issuing New Taiwan dollar banknotes in July 2000, and the notes issued by the Bank of Taiwan were taken out of circulation. Wikipedia
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