UBS Group AG
12 Jul., 07:00:00 GMT-6 · MXN · BMV · Vrywaring
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UBS Group AG is a multinational investment bank and financial services company founded and based in Switzerland. Headquartered in Zürich, it maintains a presence in all major financial centres as the largest Swiss banking institution and the largest private bank in the world. UBS client services are known for their strict bank–client confidentiality and culture of banking secrecy. Because of the bank's large positions in the Americas, EMEA and Asia Pacific markets, the Financial Stability Board considers it a global systemically important bank. Apart from private banking, UBS provides wealth management, asset management and investment banking services for private, corporate and institutional clients with international service. UBS manages the largest amount of private wealth in the world, counting approximately half of The World's Billionaires among its clients. UBS also maintains a global investment bank and is considered a primary market maker. The bank also maintains numerous underground bank vaults, bunkers and storage facilities for gold bars around the Swiss Alps and internationally. Wikipedia
29 Jun. 1998
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Alle data en inligting word “voetstoots” en uitsluitlik vir persoonlike inligtingsdoeleindes verskaf; dit is nie bedoel as finansiële advies of vir verhandeling nie, en ook nie as beleggings-, belasting-, regs-, rekeningkundige of ander advies nie. Google is nie 'n beleggingsadviseur of 'n finansiële adviseur nie, en spreek geen beskouing, aanbeveling of mening uit ten opsigte van enige van die maatskappye wat by hierdie lys ingesluit word of enige effekte wat deur daardie maatskappye uitgereik word nie. Raadpleeg asseblief jou makelaar of finansiële verteenwoordiger om pryse te verifieer voordat jy enige handelstransaksies uitvoer. Kom meer te wete
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