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Dolarul american este unitatea monetară a Statelor Unite. Este abreviat în mod normal folosind simbolul $, USD, sau US$. Dolarul a fost adoptat de către Congresul Confederațiilor Statelor Unite pe data de 6 iulie 1785. Este divizat în 100 de cenți. Wikipedia
The cedi is the unit of currency of Ghana. It is the fourth historical and only current legal tender in the Republic of Ghana. One Cedi is divided into one hundred Pesewas. After independence, Ghana separated itself from the British West African pound, which was the currency of the British colonies in the region. The new republic's first independent currency was the Ghanaian pound. In 1965, Ghana decided to leave the British colonial monetary system and adopt the widely accepted decimal system. The African name Cedi was introduced in place of the old British pound system. Ghana's first President Kwame Nkrumah introduced Cedi notes and Pesewa coins in July 1965 to replace the Ghanaian pounds, shillings and pence. The Cedi bore the portrait of the President and was equivalent to eight shillings and four pence, i.e. one hundred old pence, so that 1 pesewa was equal to one penny. After the February 1966 military coup, the new leaders wanted to remove the face of Nkrumah from the banknotes. The "new Cedi" was worth 1.2 Cedis, which made it equal to half of a pound sterling at its introduction. Wikipedia
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