Domača stranVND / LAK • valuta
10. jul., 18:21:00 UTC · Izjava
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The dong has been the currency of Vietnam since 3 May 1978. It is issued by the State Bank of Vietnam. The dong was also the currency of the predecessor states of North Vietnam and South Vietnam, having replaced the previously used French Indochinese piastre. Formerly, it was subdivided into 10 hao, which were further subdivided into 10 xu, neither of which are now used due to inflation. The Vietnamese dong has increasingly moved towards exclusively using banknotes, with lower denominations printed on paper and denominations over 10,000 dong, worth about 40¢ dollar or euro, printed on polymer. As of 2022, no coins are used. Generally, Vietnam is moving towards digital payments. The 500,000-dong note is the highest-denomination banknote in circulation in Vietnam. The note is dark blue in color and has been in circulation since 2003. As of October 2023, the Vietnamese dong was the second-lowest valued currency unit, with one United States dollar equaling 24,385 dong. Wikipedia
The kip is the currency of Laos since 1955. Historically, one kip was divided into 100 att which are no longer in regular use. The term derives from ກີບ kì:p, a Lao word meaning "ingot." Wikipedia
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