abraham j heschel from en.wikipedia.org
Abraham Joshua Heschel (January 11, 1907 – December 23, 1972) was a Polish-American rabbi and one of the leading Jewish theologians and Jewish philosophers ...
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Abraham Joshua Heschel was a Jewish theologian and philosopher with a social consciousness that led him to participate in the civil rights movement. Considered ...
Heschel aimed, through his writing and teaching, to shock modern people out of complacency and into a spiritual dimension.

Abraham Joshua Heschel

Polish-American rabbi
Abraham Joshua Heschel was a Polish-American rabbi and one of the leading Jewish theologians and Jewish philosophers of the 20th century. Wikipedia
Born: January 11, 1907, Warsaw, Poland
Died: December 23, 1972 (age 65 years), New York, NY
Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel was one of the most remarkable and inspiring figures of the American 20th Century. He was a mentor to Martin Luther King, ...
Abraham Joshua Heschel was a Jewish American rabbi, scholar, and philosopher who was very active in the U.S. Civil Rights Movement. Heschel descended on his ...
abraham j heschel from www.heschel.org
Abraham Joshua Heschel was born on January 11, 1907 in Warsaw, Poland, the youngest of six children to Moshe Mordechai and Reizel (née Perlow) Heschel.
May 5, 2021 · Heschel was an outspoken critic of the Vietnam War, an advocate for Soviet Jewry and a pioneer of interfaith dialogue. Aired: 05/05/ ...
Sep 23, 2024 · Abraham Joshua Heschel was a Jewish theologian and philosopher, noted for his presentation of the prophetic and mystical aspects of Judaism ...
abraham j heschel from www.heschel.org
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abraham j heschel from www.amazon.com
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In this book, Abraham Heschel, a Jewish scholar and civil rights activist in the 1960s, looks at themes . He also looks at the difficult job that a prophet has: ...