Patents for A43B 13 - Soles; Sole and heel units (23,703)
12/24/2014CN104231460A Pvc和橡胶一体制作鞋底的方法 Pvc integrated production methods and rubber soles
12/24/2014CN104231347A 一种提高成型稳定性的旅游鞋的配方 Forming a way to improve the stability of sneakers recipe
12/24/2014CN104231346A 一种充气换气鞋底组合材料的制备方法 A pneumatic ventilation sole combination of materials preparation methods
12/24/2014CN104231212A 一种导电pu鞋底材料及其制造方法 A conductive pu sole material and manufacturing method thereof
12/24/2014CN104231205A 一种易加工聚氨酯鞋底材料的原液 An easily processed liquid polyurethane soles materials
12/24/2014CN104223577A 一种鞋 A shoe
12/24/2014CN104223576A 一种带绒毛的鞋子大底及其生产设备和生产工艺 Shoe outsole with a pile of its production equipment and production technology
12/24/2014CN104223575A 防滑鞋 Slip shoes
12/24/2014CN104223574A 一种具有减震反弹结构充气鞋底 Inflatable rebound damping structure having a sole
12/24/2014CN104223573A 一种具有减震反弹结构的充气鞋底的制备方法 A method for producing a pneumatic sole rebound damping structure having
12/24/2014CN104223572A 与足底吻合的部件、定制鞋的工业化生产方法及鞋 Consistent with the foot parts, custom shoes, industrial production methods and shoes
12/24/2014CN104223571A 一种软质布鞋及其生产工艺 A soft shoes and its production process
12/24/2014CN104223570A 一双有利于脚平足人行走的鞋 One pair of feet flat feet were in favor of walking shoes
12/24/2014CN104223569A 防粘发透气鞋 The release issued breathable shoes
12/24/2014CN104223565A 一种保健鞋 A health shoes
12/24/2014CN104223564A 折叶孔溯溪鞋 Hinge holes upstream shoes
12/24/2014CN104223563A 鞋类物品、鞋类物品的元件以及相关的制造方法 The article of footwear, components and related manufacturing method of an article of footwear
12/24/2014CN104223560A 一种可循环使用的鞋套 A reusable shoe
12/24/2014CN104223559A 发光鞋 Luminous shoes
12/24/2014CN104223556A 适应不同脚尺码的鞋类物品 Adapt to different foot sizes article of footwear
12/24/2014CN102894523B 钓鱼用鞋 Fishing shoes
12/24/2014CN102726874B 一种按摩鞋的改进结构 An improved structure for a shoe massages
12/24/2014CN102715699B 一种易弯折的防滑鞋底 An easily folded slip soles
12/23/2014US8914998 Sole assembly for article of footwear with interlocking members
12/23/2014US8914996 Antistatic insole
12/23/2014US8914995 Foot orthotic
12/23/2014US8914994 Guitar-shaped bladder for footwear
12/23/2014US8914993 Shoe sole with pivotal ground engaging plate
12/23/2014US8914992 Shoe sole with decorative insert
12/18/2014US20140367372 Heated insole remote control systems
12/18/2014US20140366405 Soles for sports shoes
12/18/2014US20140366404 Soles for sports shoes
12/18/2014US20140366403 Soles for sports shoes
12/18/2014US20140366402 Sole Plate Assembly And Method of Making
12/18/2014US20140366401 Article of Footwear With Sole Member
12/18/2014US20140366400 Shoe Having A Split Welt
12/18/2014US20140366399 Contoured insoles for footwear
12/17/2014CN204015293U 鞋底可拆换的鞋子 Removable shoe soles
12/17/2014CN204015292U 一种防滑鞋底 One kind of non-slip soles
12/17/2014CN204015291U 防滑鞋 Slip shoes
12/17/2014CN204015290U 一种鞋底防滑扣 A shoe sole non-slip buckle
12/17/2014CN204015289U 一种新型防滑鞋底 A new non-slip soles
12/17/2014CN204015288U 一种保健按摩鞋底 A health massage the soles
12/17/2014CN204015287U 一种鞋内底避震减压缓冲器 A shoe insole shock decompression buffer
12/17/2014CN204015286U 一种减震鞋底 The shock absorbing soles
12/17/2014CN204015285U 一种缓震平底鞋鞋底 One kind of cushioning soles flat shoes
12/17/2014CN204015284U 一种吸振型鞋底结构 One kind of shock-absorbing sole structure type
12/17/2014CN204015283U 一种适用于糖尿病人的鞋底结构 One for people with diabetes sole structure
12/17/2014CN204015282U 一种具发光散热功能的鞋底 One kind of a light-emitting heat dissipation soles
12/17/2014CN204015281U 便于晾晒的鞋子 Facilitate drying shoes
12/17/2014CN204015280U 鞋子 Shoe
12/17/2014CN204015279U 一种可自动调节宽度的鞋底结构 An automatically adjusts the width of the sole structure
12/17/2014CN204015278U 一种具有透气功能的鞋底结构 A breathable sole structure having a function of
12/17/2014CN204015277U 一种透气型鞋底结构 One kind of breathable sole structure
12/17/2014CN204015276U 一种新型按摩鞋底 A new massage the soles
12/17/2014CN204015275U 一种可调节温度的净化鞋底 An adjustable temperature purification soles
12/17/2014CN204015274U 竹块鞋 Bamboo Block shoes
12/17/2014CN204015273U 一种可更换鞋底的按摩防静电鞋 An exchangeable sole massage anti-static shoes
12/17/2014CN204015269U 一种多功能的防静电鞋 A versatile anti-static shoes
12/17/2014CN204015262U 一种弹片体多功能保健鞋 One kind of shrapnel multifunction body health shoes
12/17/2014CN204015261U 除臭鞋 Deodorant shoes
12/17/2014CN204015260U 一种透气呼吸鞋 A venting breathing shoes
12/17/2014CN204015253U 稳扎式射击鞋 Steady shooting style tie shoes
12/17/2014CN204015251U 一种儿童玩具鞋 A child toy shoes
12/17/2014CN204015247U 一种轻卷鞋 A light volume shoes
12/17/2014CN204015246U 分离式高跟鞋 Separate heels
12/17/2014CN204015245U 组合女鞋 Combination shoes
12/17/2014CN204015238U 喷水凉鞋 Water sandals
12/17/2014CN204015236U 一种珍珠鞋 One kind of pearl shoes
12/17/2014CN204015233U 一种劳保鞋 One kind of safety shoes
12/17/2014CN204015228U 一种多功能防护鞋 A multifunctional protective footwear
12/17/2014CN204015227U 一种新型组合式访客安全鞋 A new modular visitor safety shoes
12/17/2014CN204015226U 两人三足鞋 Two three-foot shoe
12/17/2014CN104207407A 防滑防透湿鞋 Anti-slip breathable shoes
12/17/2014CN104207406A 一种具有主动呼吸换气功能的弹性鞋底 Having an active breathing ventilation function of elastic soles
12/17/2014CN104207405A 磁疗鞋及其生产工艺 Magnetic shoes and its production process
12/17/2014CN104207404A 可调试运动鞋 Adjustable sports shoes
12/17/2014CN104207400A 清洁鞋套 Clean shoes
12/17/2014CN102726876B 一种改良的按摩鞋 An improved Massage Shoes
12/17/2014CN102725129B 激光粘接用橡胶部件和鞋 Laser adhesive rubber member and shoes
12/17/2014CN102429372B 一种溯溪鞋 One kind of upstream shoes
12/17/2014CN102387724B 具有可移动的按摩体的鞋底 A movable body having a sole massage
12/16/2014US8911577 Contoured fluid-filled chamber
12/15/2014DE202013104104U1 Schuhsohle Sole
12/11/2014US20140360055 Kevlar Shoe Sole and Heel
12/11/2014US20140360052 Article of footwear, elements thereof, and related methods of manufacturing
12/11/2014US20140360051 Boot handle storm cover
12/11/2014US20140360048 Article of Footwear
12/11/2014US20140360046 Contoured Fluid-Filled Chamber With Tensile Structures
12/10/2014CN203986378U 一种弹簧按摩鞋 One kind of spring massage shoes
12/10/2014CN203986377U 一种花纹结构的无纺布中底板 Non-woven pattern in the floor of a structure
12/10/2014CN203986376U 鞋底 Sole
12/10/2014CN203986375U 一种高跟平底变换鞋底 Transform one kind of high-heeled flat soles
12/10/2014CN203986374U 鞋底结构 The sole structure
12/10/2014CN203986373U 一种山地自行车用鞋 One kind of mountain bike shoes
12/10/2014CN203986372U 一种鞋底 A shoe sole
12/10/2014CN203986371U 鞋底 Sole
12/10/2014CN203986370U 一种新型驾车鞋 A new driving shoes
12/10/2014CN203986369U 防滑鞋子 Non-slip shoes
12/10/2014CN203986368U 防滑鞋底和鞋子 Non-slip soles and shoes
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