18 “O earth , do not cover my blood ,. nor let there be a secret place for my cry . 19 Even now my witness is in heaven ;. my advocate is on high .
10 “ But turn , all of you, and come now ! ... I will not find a wise man among you. 11 My days have passed ; my plans are shattered ,. even the desires of my ...
17 My spirit is broken ,. my days have faded out ;. the grave awaits me. 2 Surely mockery is with me;. my eyes must dwell on their hostility .
my adversary locks his eyes on me. 10 People have opened their mouths against me;. they have struck my cheek in scorn ;. they unite together ...
The book presents many valuable ideas on the subject of the suffering of the righteous. Ultimately it teaches that one must submit to the wisdom of the Creator.