A Precious Word from God. I am the door. If anyone enters through me, he will be saved, and will come in and go out, and find pasture.
Apr 7, 2008 · Ada presiden dan isterinya, sudah pasti sejumlah pasukan pengawal presiden, tak diragukan lagi para wartawan dan seterusnya dan seterusnya. Apa ...
13:13 And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of ... book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of ...
13:13 And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of ... In a modern-spelling edition and with an introduction by David Daniell.
... pengawal berjaga-jaga.” Tidak ada kota masa lalu yang aman dari ... 13:5, TLB). Mungkin kita perlu mengevaluasi kemarahan kita saat kita melihat ...
Book Study by a specific book · Author Study by a certain author · Topic Study ... 13). Tentang Para martir dan kematian Stefanus, kita membaca: “Dia ...