Mexican Speedway Stout by Alesmith brewing

13305155_10103282328798740_1597645455231957320_oRating: 7/7

Mexican Speedway Stout by Alesmith brewing is a 12% ABV Imperial Stout brewed with Mexican Coffee, Chocolate and Cinnamon aged in Tequila Barrels.


Alesmith has been releasing many great beers over the years and many great variants of their speedway stout ranging from Kopi Luwak coffee, Jamaican Coffee, special spirits and even collaborations. This year, they released something that immediately hit me. The Mexican Speedway Stout aged with the uncommon liquor for aging, Tequila. Tequila barrel aged beers are pretty uncommon unlike Bourbon. The inspiration of that aging process is what inspired me to make my Belgian Quadrupel aged in Oak Tequila. So basically, whenever I hear of great beers made Tequila, I go out of my way to try and get them even if I have to trade. The firs Tequila barrel aged beer was a Barley wine made from Cucapa brewing in Mexicali, Mexico. Since then I have not found that one beer again and definitely made it a form of a mission to try and find those brews that are Tequila aged. I never would of thought Alesmith would release one especially one done similarly to the Xocoveza from Stone. Let’s see how this one goes, cheers!

Cafe Con Leche, Roasted coffee notes, dark cherries, raspberries, currants, blackberries, Jaliscan Jerricalla, burnt sugar, pilloncillo sugar cone, Tequila, Mezcal, agave lechugilla nectar, oak, flan, crème brulee, 3 leche/ 3 Milks cake, coffee cake, mocha, java, steamed milk, milk sugar, marshmallows, toasted coconut, rocky road ice crea, dulce de leche, dulce de cabra envinada/ goat milk caramel, cajeta caramel, dark chocolate, milk chocolate, chocolate mousse, bakers chocolate, chocolate abuelita, German Chocolate, Belgian Cholate, mole, almonds, Marzipan, Danish cream and bananas.

Cafe Con Leche, fancy coffee, roasted coffee notes, mocha, java, steamed milk, milk sugar, marshmallows, toasted coconut, rocky road ice cream, oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, dark chocolate, milk chocolate, chocolate mousse, bakers chocolate, chocolate abuelita, German Chocolate, Belgian Cholate, mole, cinnamon, cajeta caramel, dulce de leche, dulce de cabra envinada/ goat milk caramel in wine hints, flan, crème brulee, 3 leche/ 3 Milks cake, Jaliscan Jerricalla, burnt sugar, pilloncillo sugar cone, Tequila, Mezcal, agave lechugilla nectar, oak, Kahlua liqueur, dark fruit raisins, figs, prunes, dark cherries, raspberries, currants, molasses, anise, hazelnut nectar, pecan pie, campfire smokey hints, Danish cream, Irish cream, Marzipan, fruit cake, capirotada raisin bread pudding, Champurrado, bananas, clove spice, churros, ginger bread and Lechera sweetened condensed milk.

Finishes with rich notes of chocolate abuelita, Kahlua liquer, cinnamon, tequila oak, agave, dark fruit, rocky road ice cream, marshmallows, flan, toasted coconut, earthy notes and hazelnut. No alcohol in the taste despite the ABV, pitch black abyss body, creamy, velvety, silky, syrupy, chewy and viscous mouthfeel and easy to moderate drinkability.

No doubt, a bucket lister. It’s like they took Xocoveza, Mole Ocho and Tequila Sombrero to a whole new level. The influence of the might that is Speedway Stout just works with it providing a diversly rich array of coffee, chocolate and sweet Mexican Tequila flavor. You kind of just lose yourself in its greatness. Speedway Stout has come out in so many great variants that this on sits right up there with Alesmith’s best. It sure is a beer that is a must get for fans of the Mexican Stouts and especially, Tequila Barrel aged beers.
Anime Corner:
Yoruichi Shihouin from Bleach was used in this pairing because she is one of my 4 favorite girls and I had remembered I did a special edit to a picture of hers for the World Cup back in 2006. What a surprise that 10 years later, it would make the perfect for this new beer to go with the Mexican Flag. Aside from the Jersey pairing well, Yoruichi has obtained 2 new powerful forms in the manga and now that I present her in a beer pairing, especially one of this caliber, I wanted to pair with those super forms. The Goddess of Thunder Yoruichi, though you be a cat, how you complement the Aztec Goddess Tlaloc who is Quetzalcoatl’s part ally in the skies almost resembling a dragon as well. Yup, Yoruichi is one bad ass character.

2016 Oude Tart with Cherries by The Bruery Terreux

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2016 Oude Tart with Cherries by The Bruery Terreux is an 8.4% ABV World Class Flanders/Flemish Red Ale aged in oak barrels with Cherries.


Commercial Description:
Oude Tart is a Flemish-Style Red Ale aged in red wine barrels for up to 18 months. This version has had cherries added for the final stages of barrel aging. It’s pleasantly sour with hints of leather, tangy dark fruit, plump cherries and toasty oak. While the base beer is one of the more classic styles that we make, it’s not a style that you can find too often in the United States. Originating in style from the Flanders region of Belgium, near the French border, this dark, sour ale has roots deep in brewing history and predates most of the ales that have become popular in contemporary culture. We’re doing our best to keep the tradition alive by brewing and aging this beer here on the West Coast.


Releases to all societies of the Bruery, this is the second time I try this beer. The first time I tried I had recalled all the delicious cherry flavors and how it definitely made a mark. To me it felt so much that I had to bring it back for another go. Now with much more released, you may get a chance to try it this time if you for the society membership. Let’s see how this new batch does.

Caramel, rye bread, dark cherries, dark fruit raisins, plums, currants, raspberries, oak mustiness, lemon, leather, brown sugar, vanilla, funky wine grapes, tart cherry juice, sour apples, cherry pie, pecan pie hints, cinnamon, oak, hazelnut and cherry cheesecake notes.

Dark Cherry forward, Black Cherry Yogurt, lemon peels, biscuit bread, dark fruit raisins, plums, currants, figs, vanilla, oak, leather, tobacco, cherry preserves on rye bread, crème brulee, toffee, red wine, wine grapes, cherry cobbler, caramel, cherry cheesecake, brown sugar, tropical fruit notes of pineapple, stone fruit apricots, mango, pecan pie, coconut hints, cherry cobbler, fruit cake, and Danish cookies.

Finishing with dry notes of caramel, vanilla, cinnamon, dark cherry yogurt, and wine oak notes. No alcohol in the taste, medium reddish brown body, creamy, effervescent, velvety mouthfeel and moderate to sipping drinkability.

Very delicious and as always, love how the Cherries just go through the sourness and give more of like a sweet dark cherry tart yogurt flavor. The complexity is just as awesome as when I had it before and while I think the Cherries do change the dynamic of the original oude tart, it essentially makes it very appealing. Good thing now the preservation societies can enjoy this one as well and soon, the public. Highly recommended sours.

Anime Corner:
Ruby Rose and her sister Yang Xiao Long from RWBY were used in this pairing since I used Yang in the Oude Tar Pairing. In fact, they were used in the previous Oude Tart Cherries pairing. Because of the fact that they are sisters, putting them together is like adding the cherries to Oude Tart. Ruby Rose, ofcourse is the cherry here. They are an awesome team. I wanted to show how the beer tends to be a splash of fruity flavors as you can see Ruby jumping in to add that layer of complexity.


Chupacabra Quinceañera by the Bruery Terreux

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Chupacabra Quinceañera by the Bruery Terreux is a 4.9% ABV American Wild Ale brewed with Brettanomyces.


Commercial Description:
Chupacabra Quinceañera is a refreshing 100% Brett-fermented blonde beer bursting with clean tropical aroma from the unique brett strain used for fermentation. These notes are complemented with the subtle use of Simcoe and Amarillo hops, which add layers of tangerine and passionfruit. It’s quite the party.


Available to Reserve and Hoarders Society members of the Bruery, this beer was something I wanted to try since last year when it was released in the tap room. An original pilot batch by Sean Flannery which was made using Brettanomyces Bruxellensis Trois which is a strain that give the beer tropical flavors rather than barnyard funk. The name of Chupacabras Quinceañera or the Sweet 15th of the Goat Sucker was made as a tribute to creating a beer with mythical brett strains. In 2013, they made one with another mythical strain and called it Werewolf Barmitzvah. I never did get a chance to try Chupacabra Quinceañera and now that it is here, let’s present her to the site. A wild ale with Brettanomyces but how will it differ from the other Bretty beers. Some with citrus, orange and saison funks or even tropical notes. Let’s take a look at how this one is, cheers!

Citrus, piney, floral and grassy hop notes, biscuit bread, hibiscus flowers, lavender, roses, tropical fruit pineapple, honeydew melon, papaya, passion fruit, dragon fruit, guava, prickly pears, stone fruit peaches, apricot, lemon peel and tangerine gummies.

Lots of tropics and funk, pineapple, honeydew melon, papaya, passion fruit, dragon fruit, guava, prickly pears, citrus, piney, floral and grassy hop notes, peppercorn, farmhouse hay, stone fruit apricot, peaches, tangerine gummies, white raisins, wine grapes, oranges, lime peels, banana notes, clove spice, barnyard funk, vanilla, oak, butterscotch hints, biscuit bread, hibiscus flowers, lavender, roses, lemon grass, basil, Danish cream.

Finishes dry with tropical notes, stone fruits, farmhouse hay, citrus, piney and floral hops. No alcohol in the taste, clear golden body, crisp, refreshing, effervescent mouthfeel and easy to drink.

A perfect tarty and bretty tropical sour with lots of delicious flavors. Even on the light side, it is flavorful displaying many of the flavors I would love from even Saisons even though it is sour. The use of variant Brett strains gives me ideas for the day I ever make a saison of my own. Tropical flavors are awesome! This one is a definite high recommendation for this that like light crisp sours with lots of bretty and tropical flavors.

Anime Corner:
Lilith Aensland from Darkstalkers was used in this pairing to represent La Chupacabra Quineañera. The reason I chose her is since she is depicted as a younger person, but being a Succubus, she is actually older than she looks. Also since she is a creature of the night, the whole aspect of Chupacabra, or goat sucker, she is a sexual blood sucker. Like her, this beer is very alluring in the flavor profile but do not fall for the tricks as you may meet your doom. Ah who cares, you already started drinking anyway.


Jurassic Gose collaboration by The Bruery Terreux, The Libertine Wild Brews & Blends and Field Recordings

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Jurassic Gose collaboration by The Bruery Terreux, The Libertine Wild Brews & Blends and Field Recordings is a 9.7% ABV Gose aged in Port Wine barrels with Chenin Blanc Grapes.


Gose, port wine, chenin blanc grapes, sea salt captured from the Pacific Ocean. None of these existed in the Jurassic era. The creatures that roamed the earth 145+ million years ago had neither the brainpower nor wherewithal to concoct such a creation and collaboration of this magnitude. Fast forward to present day with Bruery Terreux, Libertine Brewing Company and Field Recordings, and these dinosaurs could learn a thing or two about adapting to the environment and making the most out of terroir around them. And that’s exactly where we sought inspiration (and borrowed artwork from our offspring) in the creation of Jurassic Gose. This tart, wheat-based ale is our exploration of a West Coast gose. Jurassic Gose is brewed using the stein beer method with locally-sourced rocks, and features grapes from Jurassic Park Vineyard and sea salt from the Pacific Ocean. Aged in port wine barrels with chenin blanc grapes, this wild collaboration emerges as mineralic, territorial and dry. It’s unlike any gose you’ve had before – in fact, it’s from an entirely different era.


Released to The Bruery’s Hoarders and Reserve Societies, this Gose was something I wanted to get on the name and ingredients alone. Having only tried few Gose in the past, I wanted to bring their take on this German salty brew to the site. The name makes me think of tropical aspects or exotic flavors. I don’t think this is made ancient ingredients or dinosaurs but it sounds like it may have been inspired by it. Let’s have a look, cheers!

Lemon peel, peppercorns, citrus oranges, tangerines, flowers of hibiscus, lavender, chamomile, roses, stone fruit peaches, apricots, chardonnay, salt, yerba buena, mint, vanilla, tropical fruits like pineapple, passion fruit, dragon fruit, honey dew melon, tamarind and grapes.

Lots or tropical fruits like pineapple, passion fruit, dragon fruit, honey dew melon, tamarind, agave nectar, salty Teguacan and Tejuino Mexican Maize drink, limes, tangerines, funky wine grapes, dark fruit port wine, lemon peel, peppercorns, citrus oranges, tangerines, flowers of hibiscus, lavender, chamomile, roses, cane sugar, crème brulee, stone fruit peaches, apricots, mushrooms, brown sugar, celery salt, yerba buena, mint, concord grapes and chardonnay.

Finishes very dry with stone fruit, dark fruit, tropical fruit and salty tamarind notes along with port wine grapes. No alcohol in the taste, pale light golden body, crisp, refreshing, smooth and effervescent along with an easy to moderate drinkability.

There was so much going on in this beer that I considered exceptional. From the wine notes and tropical fruit to the funky notes and salty notes, it’s definitely not your average sour. I don’t think I have had a brew aged in port wine before (except maybe Sucre Port Barrel) and since some of the port wine notes are my favorite notes in some beers, I figured this one would be one of the best to try. I would highly recommend this one if you love sours or salty funky brews.

Anime Corner:
Regina from Dino Crisis was used in this pairing as I wanted to get a character that was in a dinosaur game. I had played this game back in the PS1 days and I still remember a good amount of it. So to go with the whole “Jurassic” theme of the beer, I decided to use Regina which I feel worked perfectly including the tropical flavors one with her and the T-Rex.


A Fistful Of Unidragon by Clown Shoes

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A Fistful Of Unidragon by Clown Shoes is a 14% ABV Russian Imperial Stout brewed with mesquite smoked malt from Texas’ Blacklands Malt and aged in Bourbon Barrels.

A West Texas town terrorized by depraved outlaws, hired The Artist and his Smitty – Forged Unidragron Hand Cannon. The Artists, while emp and a bit sensitive, gets rough with bad guys, so he went ahead and incarcerated them. This beer, made with mesquite smoked malt from Blackland Malt Company, is a bourbon barrel aged version of The Good, The Bad and The Unidragon.


I obtained this brew thanks to my friend Aaron Mendiola of This brew is based on Clown Shoes The Good, The Bad and The Unidragon which I had reviewed some time back same thanks to my friend Aaron. Thanks to him, we were able to bring forth the collection from Texas provided by Clown Shoes. In return, I was able to send him the California Clown Shoes beers. I remember the brew was very good and now that it comes in a bourbon barrel aged form, let’s see if we can compare. Cheers.

campfire smokey oak, bacon notes, dark coffee roasted grounds, dark chocolate, milk chocolate, bakers chocolate, Irish cream, fudge cake, sweet toffee, earthy notes, molasses, anise, toasted coconut, tobaccco, leather, flan, sweetened condensed milk, brown sugar, dark fruit raisins, plums, dark cherries, currants, marshmallow smores, pecan pie, crème brulee and rocky road ice cream.

Rich rocky road ice cream, dark chocolate, milk chocolate, bakers chocolate, campfire Smokey oak, bacon notes, dark coffee roasted grounds, roasted barley, mocha, java, vanilla, bourbon, oak, Kahlua liquer, dulce de leche caramel, dark fruit raisins, plums, dark cherries, currants, marshmallow smores, pecan pie, Irish cream, fudge cake, sweet toffee, earthy notes, molasses, anise, toasted coconut, tobaccco, leather, flan, sweetened condensed milk, brown sugar, dulce de leche caramel, toffee, rye whiskey, earthy notes and crème brulee.

Finishes with touch of smokey, whiskey, bourbony notes and complexity like dark fruit, dark chocolate, vanilla, coconut, rocky road ice cream, vanilla and caramel. Slight alcohol in the taste but despite the ABV, does not detract from the flavors. Pitch black abyss body, smooth, velvety, creamy and chewy mouthfeel along with a sipping drinkability.

Hot Diggity, this is better than the original. I’ve been fortunate enough to be able to have a good friend that shares common interest and has been able to send me the beers. It is all possible with the help from my friend Aaron. I think this beer is definitely worth the find especially if you are out in Texas or can trade for it online. The fact that Clown Shoes works with the local craft community at Texas shows a lot of love and effort goes into making these collaborations. So definitely get a bottle if you can.

Anime Corner:
Tia Harribel, Yoruichi Shihouin, & Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck from Bleach represent the good, the bad and the unidragon from the original beer. I brought them back in this pairing as well but this time with different attire to fit the beer’s label a little better. Especially with the old west scene with Yoruichi and more fashionable for all 3 of them and looking bad ass too.


Apocalypse by Save The World brewing

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Apocalypse by Save The World brewing is a 9% ABV A Wild Belgian Quadruple with Brettanomyces.

Our quad is a tasteful spin on the monastic quadrupel ale. the aroma and flavors are a complex balance between dark fruits and sweet malts with traces of chocolate and caramelized sugar. It is full bodied with hints of brett and warmth. Savor this deep and flavorful ale now and later! Try pairing with hearty roasted or grilled meat dishes, aged cheeses, and a variety of desserts.


Thanks to my friend Aaron at for sharing this brew with me. This is the first beer I try from Save The World brewing of Marble Falls, Texas. I love Belgian Quadruples and they are one of my favorite styles. My first brew plunge into the homebrewing complexity to making a more complex beer other than simple extract was a Belgian Quadruple which many people enjoyed and it was one of the ones that I really worried over, spent time taking care to make sure it wasn’t a disaster. So yeah, Quads are an essential part of me when it comes to beers. A Quad with Brettanomyces though, that is something I have never heard of before. I have tried a sour quad before but not one with brett. In the back of my mind, I think this definitely major potential to be something unique, so let’s see how it goes with this, Cheers!

Stone fruits peaches, peppercorns, floral notes of hibiscus, lavender, Belgian Candy sugar, bananas, clove spice, toffee, dulce de leche caramel, dark fruit plums, figs, dates, raisins, currants, sweetened condensed milk, nutmeg, coriander spice, brown sugar, citrus and farmhouse hay.

Rich meld of Dark fruit plums, figs, dates, raisins, currants, Stone fruits peaches, Belgian Candy sugar, bananas, clove spice, toffee, dulce de leche caramel, chocolate, vanilla, oak, Funky notes, farmhouse hay, brettanomyces funk, wine grapes, old oranges, peppercorns, floral notes of hibiscus, lavender, mango, guava, pineapple, sour apples, pecan pie, sweetened condensed milk, nutmeg, coriander spice, brown sugar, turbinado sugar, sugar cane, honey dew melon and dragon fruit.

Finishes with funky forward notes, dark fruit, stone fruits, caramel, chocolate, funky brett, wine grapes, old oranges, citrus and floral notes. No alcohol in the taste, Hazy golden brown full body, smooth, creamy, effervescent and slightly chewy mouthfeel with a moderate to sipping drinkability.

Who knew a quad could taste so complex and different when introducing some wild strain of brettanomyces into the mix. You get the aspects of Dark fruit complexity meeting the funky bretty, citrus and stone fruit flavors from like a saison and well, you have a perfectly unique beer. I really enjoyed this one big time and would gladly have it again. If you live in Texas, this should be a major on your list especially if you love both Belgian Quads and Saisons.

Anime Corner:
Terra/Tina Branford and the entire cast of Final Fantasy 6 were used in this pairing to go with the aspect of saving the world but mainly apocalypse. The FF6 series was a very awesome series showing something that happened in their world that was apocalyptic and it was up to the few to stand up in arms against evil. They literally saved the world. Terra is essentially the main protagonist and a total bad ass with her wielding Atma Weapon which essentially is a lightsaber. This picture doesn’t have the weapon but I have yet to find such a bad ass picture of Terra though. So I went with this one.


White Chocolate by Sonoran Brewing

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White Chocolate by Sonoran Brewing is 4.7% ABV American Wheat Ale brewed with White Chocolate.

Are you #@%&! serious, this tastes just like white chocolate, but its not. Or is it?

Why worry about the details of what is or isn’t, when you can just sit back and enjoy all of the things that make our White Chocolate Ale so damn delicious. While you’re at it, let’s think
about all the cool stuff we did today (or didn’t do). Either way this is the perfect time to find yourself.


I got this one at Downey Liquor in Downey California. I had heard about this one a long time ago and never got a chance to try it despite the fact that I was looking for White Chocolate brews at the time. I had settled for the White Chocolate from the Bruery and White Chocolate Moohoo from Terrapin. So when I saw it locally, I had to get this one right away. While this is not a dark brew, it is a White Chocolate brew I have not tried and now that I remember, possibly the first one I had ever heard of long ago. So let’s see if this one is worth the find. Cheers!

Honey, Vanilla, Danish cream, Marshmallow, white chocolate, coriander spice, citrus, tangerine candy, tropical fruits, stone fruits, coconut, clove spice, flan hints, coffee cake, pears, 3 milks cream, banana and biscuit bread.

White Chocolate, rich Marshmallows, Oranges, Coriander spice, chocolate milk shake, tangerine gummies, biscuit bread, banana, clove spice, honey, coconut, cookie dough ice cream, flan, tres leches/ 3 milks, crème brulee, piloncillo sugar cone, Pancho Pantera Milk chocolate shake, tropical fruit honey dew melon, lychee, dragon fruit, stone fruit peach, pears, apples, butter scotch, milk sugar, red velvet cake, vanilla, coffee cake and Danish cream.

Finishes with Milk chocolate shake notes, marshmallows, white chocolate, vanilla, banana notes, honey, oranges, and honey. No alcohol in the taste, honey colored hazy medium body, crisp, velvety, clean and refreshing mouthfeel and easy to drink.

A very delicious wheat beer that hits that perfection mark really due to that velvety white chocolate flavor. That and the fact that I really love these one off beers that taste like they say they are going to taste. Surprisingly, the whole white chocolate aspect works well with the style of beer. Which reminds me as to why the White Chocolate from the Bruery (Wheatwine) also works so damn well. Definitely worth the find and also isn’t too offensive for new craft beer drinkers.

Anime Corner:
Temari Sabakuno from Naruto was used in this pairing to go with the colors of the label but also the whole aspect of White Chocolate. While she has represented to me the majority of all the White Chocolate beer pairings, having her pair with the colors worked out really nicely. The monkey in this pairing meditates like a monk and while Temari is not a monk, in some parts of the series, her attire kinda looks like a Japanese Monk. Might be a stretch though.



Apple Pie Style Texas Honey Ale by Guadalupe Brewing

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Apple Pie Style Texas Honey Ale by Guadalupe Brewing is an 8.5% ABV Fruit beer made with Apples, Spices and Texas Honey.

Bottled Date: 12.30.15
Using Our Texas Honey Ale as a base we added apples and spices to make this a crowd favorite


A share from my friend Aaron Mendiola of, this brew seemed the best one to start the box my friend sent of sweet sweet Texas nectar. Based on what was used for this one and what it’s going for, it does seem like a delicious dessert in a bottle. I think having said this, there hasn’t been an apple pie beer made directly with the intention of tasting like apple pie so definitely is a unique one for sure. Let’s have a look.

Cinnamon, Pecan pie, Apple Pie, vanilla ice cream, honey, graham crackers, ginger bread, ginger spice, fruit cake notes, bananas, clove spice, dark fruit cherry, prunes, raisins, nutmeg and brown sugar.

Delicious Apple pie right off the bat, honey, pecan pie notes, hazelnut, all spice, nutmeg, cinnamon, graham crackers, ginger bread, ginger spice, fruit cake notes, bananas, clove spice, pumpkin spice, stone fruit apricot, marshmallows, vanilla, caramel, toffee, capirotada raisins bread pudding, dark fruit notes of plum, white raisins, cherry and white prunes.

Finishes with rich apple pie notes, cinnamon, graham crackers, nutmeg, pumpkin spice, ginger bread, vanilla, honey and bananas. No alcohol in the taste. Honey golden colored hazy body, crisp, smooth and refreshing mouthfeel with an easy to moderate drinkability.

Damn exceptional brew. It really does taste like what they were going for, delicious apple pie and honey. I tend to lean towards beers that taste a lot like they said they should taste and as a result, these beers always get the best scores from me. I really like beers that taste like something specific and especially those who are so complex and rich with flavors. This beer proved to be many of those things so I would highly recommend it if you can find it.

Anime Corner:
Wo-Class from Kantai Collection (KanColle) and Q-Bee from Darkstalkers were used to pair with the label of the bees but also the colors of the honey and sweetness that is the beer. The complex colors they represent also represent some of the flavors of the beer like the apples and citrus for example.


2016 White Mocha by The Bruery

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2016 White Mocha by The Bruery is a 16.3% ABV Wheat Wine Ale aged in Bourbon Barrels with TCHO Cacao Nibs and Tierra Mia Coffee Beans.

This bourbon barrel-aged wheatwine-style ale snuggled up with cacao nibs from TCHO and fresh coffee beans from TIERRA MIA COFFEE

White Mocha is our bourbon barrel-aged wheatwine-style ale with cacao nibs and fresh coffee beans. Notes of coffee and chocolate are joined by warm flavors of coconut, honey and vanilla that rise & shine on the palate. If you’ve never fancied yourself a morning person, today might just be your day.


Released to Reserve and Hoarders Society members of the Bruery, this beer is essentially White Chocolate with Coffee. While in the past, White Chocolate has been a rarity and guilty pleasure along with Black Tuesday and the variants. It was so much so, that they would hardly release enough even to Reserve members. Now in 2015 and 2016, there is a lot of White Chocolate and White Oak to go around which is I guess how they got to experiment with a new brew and so this one was born. Let’s see if this is worth the find, cheers!

Rich Flan, crème brulee, coffee cake, White Chocolate, Bourbon, Cookies and Cream, Cookie dough ice cream, Jamoca ice cream, Espresso coffee, Mocha Chocolate, Irish Cream, Danish Cookies, butterscotch, piloncillo sugar cone, capirotada raisin bread pudding, 3 leches (3 milks) Mexican cake, almond joy, honey, almond milk, tropical fruit like pineapple hints, pears, mango, brown sugar, oak, vanilla, rich hazelnut nectar and pecan pie.

White Chocolate, Espresso coffee, Mocha Chocolate, Jamoca Ice cream, Kopi Luwak fancy notes, coffee cake, bananas, clove spice, flan, crème brulee, sweetened condensed milk, bourbon, brown sugar, oak, vanilla, rich hazelnut nectar, pecan pie, marshmallows, stone fruit peach, apricot, toasted coconut, 3 leches (3 milks) Mexican cake, almond joy, honey, dark fruit cherries, plums, tropical fruit like pineapple hints, pears, mango, almond milk, chocolate mousse, chocolate coffee milk shake, Irish Cream, Danish Cookies, cookie dough ice cream, butterscotch, piloncillo sugar cone, capirotada raisin bread pudding, coriander spice, orange notes, wine grapes and choco flan.

Finishing with coffee cake on sweetened condensed milk, white chocolate, butterscotch, vanilla, milk chocolate, bananas, clove spice, bourbon, mocha ice cream and almond cream. No alcohol in the taste but definitely feel the impact later. Honey Gold Amber medium body, silky, syrupy, velvety, and chewy mouthfeel with a dangerously easy to moderate drinkability.

Just like the original White Chocolate but in the Fancy supreme coffee direction. I’m a sucker for some of these beers, I admit it and definitely tend to lean my opinion sometimes but just know that this one, just like the White Chocolate, is vastly up there with some of the best beers in the world. In fact, many of the special variants from Black Tuesday and the Bruery process are insane. Made with their house strain, it really gives off some of the beers I like, like the Belgian strains. Anyway, I highly recommend this one. Cheers!

Anime Corner:
Panty Anarchy from the Panty & Stocking series was used in this pairing as I wanted to pair mainly with the colors of the label and the WheatWine/BlondeBarley Wine aspect. With the addition of coffee to the White chocolate, the beer becomes very unique. Although white chocolate is not real chocolate but to think of a White Mocha? Well, that’s just a myth… like angels, or could it be true they live among us. Possibly, Panty Anarchy is an angel. A sexually driven one but the seduction of the idea of a white mocha and the complex flavors of the beer are very appealing.


Blooms In CyBlues Space Nubis Sanctum Ales

13220515_461526587376782_6890449903800114240_oRating: 4.65/5

Blooms In CyBlues Space Nubis Sanctum Ales is a 9% ABV Hard Apple Cider made with Blueberries.


Project #21 was inspired by the need to make different flavored ciders. Just like my previous ciders, I wanted to make a cider using the most basic ingredients to see how good of a cider I can make. Blueberries were a decision partially made by me and my friend Juan who really loves blueberries and wanted a blueberry drink aside from blueberry beer. This is similarly made like the Raspberry cider but instead of raspberry it is using the blueberry flavoring at bottling. Now, let’s see how this one came out. Cheers!

Apple Pie, Blueberries, vanilla, dark fruit notes, stone fruits and cane sugar.

Apple pie notes, cane sugar, blueberries, blueberry muffin, blueberry yogurt, dark cherry, vanilla, honey, stone fruit peach hints, Danish cream, caramel apple, mild strawberry notes, tart sour apple hints, cinnamon and brown sugar.

Finishing dry with caramel apple, blueberries, vanilla ice cream on apple pie. No alcohol in the taste despite the ABV, Golden clear body, crips, clean, creamy and refreshing mouthfeel and very easy to drink.

This one came out very good, especially on the draft pour. A difference from the Raspberry I can tell for sure is a slight tartness which I can only think is from the blueberry but either way, it is still “berry” delicious. Now the only thing is I have to see what other recipe of cider I can come up with whether I make the simple recipes or I make something more complex by using real fruits like I have with my beers.

Anime Corner:
Rei Ayanami from Neon Genesis Evangelion was used in this pairing to go with the blueberries mainly. The name came about from the scenery of the picture. In the future where Rei is from, the world has been struck by what is called the Near Third Impact where the world is pretty much desolated and destroyed. Living in that world (CyBlues Space) would seem pretty depressing (the Blues) but where there is something so delicate like a flower, it blooms with the spirit of hope. Blooms In CyBlues Space is not only for the blue in Rei’s hair and the colors of blueberries, but also that hope that comes from even the smallest light in the sometimes depressing world. In this case, the cider to me represented yet another glimmer of hope into making even more delicious drinks as I continue my pursuit in the craft beer and cider world.


Ninja VS. Unicorn by Pipeworks Brewing (Can Review)

13254705_461524670710307_5771242326017501790_oRating: 5.5/6

Ninja VS. Unicorn by Pipeworks Brewing is an 8% ABV Double India Pale Ale.

Ninja vs. Unicorn celebrates the epic battle between two of the biggest hop-heads of lore. Brewed with over five pounds of hops per barrel, this unfiltered double IPA is sure to please the most discerning hop lover. Whether you’re rooting for the mythical horned horse or the deadly assassin of the east, we hope you’ll enjoy Ninja vs. Unicorn. Bottle Art by Jason Burke ink & lead Designs.


It has been a long time since I have reviewed this one. I got this one at I last had this one back in 2014 and this one was bottled 4/12/2016 and my review was made 5/1/2016 so hopefully accuracy of the review does it justice to the freshies and hop heads. This is nowhere in California but is a common in Chicago. What they say about this beer is true, it is damn delicious and the artwork is amazing. This time it is different than the last time I tried it but yeah, it should be the same beer. Let’s see how it is at its freshest, Cheers!

Every damn tropical fruit I love from IPAs, Grapefruit, citrus, oranges, tangerines, lychees, dragon fruit, passion fruit, kiwis, strawberry, mango, passion fruit, papaya, Stone fruit peaches, apricots, apples, floral, grassy, herbal, piney and garlicky hops, caramel, toffee, biscuit bread, mild rye, pine resin and lemon peel.

Rich tropical fruit overlaps the hoppy dankness just like it did in the previous iteration but being fresh, damn, this is just wonderful. Hops ranging from floral, grapefruit, herbal, piney, grassy and garlicky dankness, But the forward flavors come from the tropical fruits such as dragon fruit, passion fruit, kiwi, lychee, strawberries, prickly pear, guava, coconut, papaya, apples, orange marmalade, tangerine gummies, rye bread, toffee, honey, sweetened condensed milk, flan, Stone fruit peaches, apricots, tangerines, lemon peel and toffee.

Lots of tropical fruits linger, caramel, dank garlicky, oniony flavors and grapefruit. No alcohol in the taste. While being an IPA, something is very smooth about this beer even while it seems like it has moderate to sipping drinkability. Moderately clear but has a crisp and refreshing medium mouth feel.

The Gods smile as always. I think my previous explanation did it justice. The canned version and that being even fresher do wonders. A Tropical gold standard just like power plant triple IPA from El Segundo, one of my favorite IPAs. In fact, all the IPAs from Pipeworks brewings have definitely been above and beyond the typical IPAs and I would definitely love to see them around California. You got it good Chicago, keep making great beers!

Anime Corner:
Yoruichi Shihouin from Bleach and Rainbow Dash from MLP were used in the previous beer pairing. I made a good description in my past review so here is a rehash:

It was mainly because I wanted to do something that related to the whole Ninja Vs. Unicorn aspect. Being as the colors of the label best represent Rainbow Dash, it was quite fitting since many of the bronies make her seem like a bad ass. So here is a tribute to you bronies and pegasisters. I am mainly an Anime Otaku dude, but can appreciate a great pairing despite where it comes from. Yoruichi is the of the baddest Flash step ninjas ever and Dash can hit Mach speeds, so I figured even more rightfully so this pairing would work. Also the, rainbow in the aspect of flavor best pairs because of the variety of fruit tropics that this beer seems to unleash making it, well, damn epic. I am surprised this beer is not world class and not at the level of the Pliny the Younger or the Heady Topper.


HAMAJANG collaboration by Jolly Pumpkin, Evil Twin, Mikkeller and Leelanau brewing

13244868_10103263294129370_6314592800520696239_nRating: 5/5

HAMAJANG collaboration by Jolly Pumpkin, Evil Twin, Mikkeller and Leelanau brewing is a 5.8% ABV American Wild Ale Blend with SeabuckThorns/Seaberries and Strawberries.

That’s Messed Up, Bro.
That’s right, I blended them.
So sue me.
Ron Jeffries
Founder and Chief Squeegee Operator

This brew is a blend of “Sea Buckthorn Fandango Sour Ale” which is a sour ale with Sea Buckthorn Juice and was a collaboration with Mikkel Bjergs of Mikkeller Brewing and Jolly Pumpkin. The other being “Innovatorman Sour Ale” which is a sour ale with Strawberries. This collaboration was with Jeppe Bjergs of Evil Twin Brewing and Charles Psenka from Leelanau Brewing Company. I do believe there has been a rivalry between the twins (Mikkeller and Evil Twin) so in order to make this brew which shouldn’t even exist, Jolly Pumpkin blended those 2 beers together and now we have the Hamajang Sour Ale Blend. Sneaky sneaky but awesome. I really wonder what the twins thought of this or even if they agreed upon it. It doesn’t matter though. We have the beer here now. Hamajang is Hawaiian slang that translates into “That’s messed up bro.” So it fits so damn well in the context of the collaboration. For the first time a brew with both their names. Let’s see how it is, cheers!

Stone fruit apricots, peaches, peppercorns, honey, farmhouse hay, strawberries, grapes, tropical fruit kiwi, guava, passion fruit, dragon fruit, mango, lychee, lemon peel, lavender and hibiscus flowers.

Funky farmhouse hay, peppercorns, bananas, clove spice, floral hops, hibiscus flowers, lavender, oranges, lemon peel, Strawberries, Cranberries, grapes, wine grapes, tropical fruit kiwi, guava, passion fruit, dragon fruit, mango, pineapple notes, lychee, honey dew melon, prickly pear tunas, stone fruit apricots, peaches, honey, coriander spice and clove spice.

Finishes dry with Tropical fruit, honey, funky hay, wine grape hints and stone fruit. No alcohol in the aftertaste, pale gold clear body, effervescent, crisp and refreshing mouthfeel and easy to moderate drinkability.

A perfect saison in my opinion with enough sour and funky notes to make it interesting. The variety of berries and complex fruits make this quite the unique brew. The label alone was enough for me to get it but just having it, I would definitely want to try it over and over again. I wonder what the brothers would do if they really did do a true collaboration. Only time will tell. For now, do yourself a favor and get this possibly once in a lifetime collaboration!
Anime Corner:
Mephistopheles from Shinra Bansho, Daena and Sierra from Legend of Mana and furry character Kisha were all used in this pairing to represent the devil and the red cat from Jolly pumpkin. With Daena and Sierra representing the twins as well. In the case with the dark cat, I like how some of the colors go along with the hop demon and the red for the red cat.


2016 OneHitter Series The Waldos’ Special aka 420 Ale by Lagunitas Brewing


Rating: 5.5/6

2016 OneHitter Series The Waldos’ Special aka 420 Ale by Lagunitas Brewing is an 11.5% ABV Triple India Pale Ale.

In 1971, the Waldos met one afternoon at 4:19 as to not be late and set out in a ’66 Impala armed with a treasure map on a journey to find a spot near near Point Reyes. They never found the spot… But they kept Lookin’. The dankest and hoppiest beer ever brewed at Lagunitas was made with help of the Waldos for all treasure hunters….

Commercial description:
In 1971, the Waldos met one afternoon at 4:20 in the front courtyard of their school near the statue of Louis Pasteur. They set out in a ’66 Impala armed with a “treasure map” on a journey to find a secret garden near Point Reyes. They met there at the same time every day and continued their quest. They never found the secret garden….But they keep lookin’. The dankest and hoppiest beer ever brewed at Lagunitas was made with help of the Waldos for all treasure hunters.


Released on April 20th, 2016, this six pack was sold in many markets where Lagunitas is sold. They had released this one in the past but this is my first time at trying it. Since we first tried it at Uncle Henry’s, my friend Juan definitely wanted to get this one again. Lucky for us they had it at the local Downey Liquor in Downey California. My friend gave me 2 bottles for review and now I present them to you so you are able to decide on this dank master piece.

Lots of hoppy dank complexities of citrus, grapefruit, oregano, marijuana, oniony, garlicky, herbal, piney, yerba Buena, lemon verbena, stone fruit peaches, apricots, tangerine gummies, honey, coriander, vanilla, biscuit bread, tropical fruit mango, dragon fruit, guava, kiwi, pears and cherries.

Super Dank, Marijuana funky notes, oregano, grapefruit, garlicky, oniony, garlicky, grassy, herbal, piney, yerba buena hop notes, lemon verbana, mint, caramel, vanilla, biscuit bread, tropical fruit pineapple, guava, mango, dragon fruit, passion fruit, honey dew melon, kiwi, pears, cherry, stone fruit peaches, apricots, tangerine gummies, sweetened condensed milk, lychee, strawberries, raspberries, honey, Italian herbs, basil, lemon peel, coriander and honeysuckle.

Super dank hops linger, floral,tangerine, caramel, oranges tangerine gummies and tropical notes linger. No alcohol in the taste, Orange Gold and Sunny clear body, crisp, clean and refreshing mouthfeel and a moderate drinkability.

If Power Plant is my Tropical Fruit IPA Gold Standard, this one is my Grassy Herbal Pungent Hop Gold Standard. I would say this one is right below power plant as my favorite of IPAs. There is so much dank and funky notes like if it really was cannabis in a beer. Which there really isn’t any weed in here, just weed’s cousin (humulus lupulus) or so I think. Anyway, for lovers of IPAs and super hop heads will definitely love this one and I highly recommend it!

Anime Corner:
Nami from One Piece was used in this pairing to pair with several aspects. The Where’s Waldo part are the stripes but since the beer theme is going for green like the hops, she has green stripes. The treasure map she holds is like the map to finding the gold mentioned in the description. She is a treasure hunter but also she is a pirate in the show so I feel like it wall works and blends pretty well with the theme of the beer.



Coconut Jones Dog by Pipeworks brewing


Rating: 6/6

Coconut Jones Dog by Pipeworks brewing is an 8.5% ABV Sweet/Milk Stout brewed with Coconut, Cocoa Nibs and Vanilla Beans.

Stout with cacao, vanilla bean, natural flavors added
Jones Dog is a pup who knows what’s up. The addition of coconut to our milk stout with cacao nib and vanilla, makes this brew a real treat. No man’s best friend is an island, but this brew might make you feel like cold chillin’ on one. If you fetch a bottle, lap it up!

Obtained this one from This beer label intrigued me and being a coconut stout and from Pipeworks, I definitely wanted to get it. They make great beer and I haven’t had anything yet that I did not find very delicious and exceptional from them. Since Death By Coconut by Oskar Blues, Mash & Coconut and Cacaonut from the Bruery, there hasn’t been a coconut beer that has really exceeded my expectations on the coconut beer category. So another coconut stout is definitely something I want to take a shot at. Let’s take a look at this one. Cheers!

Toasted coconut, macaroons, vanilla, caramel, toffee, Mexican Cocada candy, Danish cream, Jamoca ice cream, rocky road ice cream, Bailey’s Irish cream, Khalua liqueur notes, coffee cake, marshmallows, smores chocolate, dark fruits like raisins, currants, boysenberries, dark cherries, raspberries, pomegranates, rich almond joy chocolate, cookie dough and pecan pie.

Rich toasted coconut, Mexican cocada coconut candy, coconut macaroons, vanilla, caramel, toffee, coffee cake, marshmallows, smores chocolate, milk chocolate, dark chocolate, sweetened condensed milk, dark fruits like raisins, currants, boysenberries, dark cherries, raspberries, pomegranates, rich almond joy chocolate, cookie dough, Danish cream, Jamoca ice cream, rocky road ice cream, Bailey’s Irish cream, Khalua liqueur notes, Cherry cordial chocolates, Tropical fruit notes of Piña Colada, dragon fruit, passion fruit, bananas, pecan pie, hazelnuts, chocolate mousse, coconut flan and 3 leches chocolate cake.

Rich Coffee cake, Toasted coconut, vanilla, Hazelnut, dark fruits especially the dark cherry and raspberries, rocky road ice cream, mocha, cookie dough and tropical hints linger. No alcohol in the taste, pitch black darkness of inner coconut space body, velvety, silky, smooth and chewy mouthfeel with a moderate to sipping drinkability.

Trying to compare some of the best coconut beers I have ever had, this one is definitely higher on the dark fruit and cherry list. The complexity in comparison to some of the other coconut beers I have had is definitely different and while I love each one for their different, I love this one for the fruitiness. I would definitely like to try this one again and would recommend those that can get this one should definitely try it.
Anime Corner:
Krystal Fox from Nintendo’s StarFox, Lavenda by Tofu93 and original art by priincessu were used in this pairing as I wanted to pair with the dog at the beach. While these characters are K-9s, although different than the normal pooch, I think the colors along with the dog help accentuate the scene of tropical beer here.


Stone Enjoy by 05.30.2016 Tangerine IPA by Stone Brewing

13217483_10103263281819040_1681601705699091125_oRating: 5.3/6

Stone Enjoy by 05.30.2016 Tangerine IPA by Stone Brewing is a 9.4% ABV Imperial India Pale Ale brewed with Tangerines.

Our all-important, hop-driven quest to deliver the most devastatingly fresh IPA on the planet facilitated a paradigm shift in 2012 with the launch of Stone Enjoy By IPA. Not only did we brew this beer with more than 10 different hops, we brewed it specifically NOT to last. Acclaimed for its groundbreakingly short shelf life, this intense double IPA brought forth a whole new concept of what constitutes “fresh”—guaranteeing fans the ultimate level of hoppiness. For Stone Enjoy By Tangerine IPA, we added the tangy zeal of a mandarin fruit’s juicy nectar. The result…freshness has never tasted as ripe for the picking as this does right now.


Obtained this one at the local Bevmo. It has been years since I have tried the Enjoy by series as it has been released very frequently. Aside from the Black IPA, this is the first time I have seen another variant of this beer. For the sakes of trying the different one, especially since the original is very delicious, I want to see the differences. Stone has made so many different IPAs and this one is made with the super fresh mind set and it does not disappoint. Now with the tangerines, let’s see how this one will be.

Tangerine peel, Tangerine gummy bears, tropical fruit papaya, mango, honey dew melon, dragon fruit, passion fruit, lychee, pineapple, strawberry, coconut hints, citrus, grapefruit, floral, herbal, grassy, piney, oniony and garlicky hops, lemon peel, biscuit bread, stone fruit peach, apricot, mango, oregano, basil, Italian herbs, mint and honey.

Dank citrus, grapefruit, floral, herbal, grassy, piney, oniony and garlicky hops, Tangerine peel, Tangerine gummy bears, tropical fruit papaya, mango, honey dew melon, dragon fruit, passion fruit, lychee, coconut hints, stone fruit peach, apricot, mango, oregano, basil, Italian herbs, mint, yerba buena, lemon peel, biscuit bread, sweetened condensed milk, honey notes, oranges, caramel, starburst, kumquats, pineapple hints and strawberry.

Lots if citrus and tangerine in the aftertaste followed by dank grapefruit, citrus, oniony and piney hops which linger but also the notes of honey and tropical fruits linger as well. No alcohol in the taste, clear honey colored body, silky, crisp, refreshing and smooth mouhfeel and easy to drink despite the ABV.

An Exceptional IPA as always but with the Tangerines it definitely adds a mark more of flavor. Nothing to increase it too drastically from an already perfect and exceptional IPA but something that is a little more delicious than the original. Depending on how people like citrus or Tangerines for this matter would determine if they will like this brew. Either way, I think it is definitely worth trying and a high recommend.

Anime Corner:
Morrigan Aensland from Dark Stalkers was used in the original Enjoy By pairings long ago since she stands atop a stone gargoyle representing the Stone brewery. In this iteration, I wanted to have the Tangerine be represented by Morrigan’s Kimono with the flower. A very different look for a different beer I figure.
