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Social Media for Global Health (SM4GH) brings together more than 800 global health and development professionals from around the world with social media responsibilities in their work. We provide a space for professionals to share their experiences with using social media to promote the messages, programs, and impact of global health and development organizations.

SM4GH's host quarterly webinars, led by members and industry leaders, to learn about the latest in social media marketing as it relates to global development. SM4GH also hosts an online community of practice on Knowledge Gateway (document library, message board, and listserv) for members to share resources, collaborate, and cross promote campaigns. Biannual in person events are held in the Washington DC area to provide an opportunity to network with colleagues at other global health and development organizations.

Follow us on Twitter (@SM4GH) to learn about the latest resources, tips, and tricks in social media marketing as it relates to global development.

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