Frequently Asked Questions
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I forgot my password - what do I do?
Simply go to the Masterpass™ homepage to sign in, select the Forgot your Password link, and follow the on-screen instructions. If you need to change your password, click Edit next to Wallet Information . From there, enter your old and new Password to change your information. When you’re finished be sure to select Continue
How do I add a new card to my wallet?
Simply sign in to your Masterpass account and click on Add Card . Enter your card details and be sure to save.
How do I remove a card from my wallet?
Simply sign in to your account, select the card you want to remove, and select Delete .
How do I update my card or billing information?
Simply sign in to your Masterpass account to edit your card information, wallet information, or shipping addresses.  You cannot edit your billing address and will have to re-add your card with the updated billing address if that has changed. 
How do I delete my Masterpass account?
We're sorry that you have chosen to close your account. If this is in response to a service issue we encourage you to contact at 1-800-884-235. You can delete your account at any time by logging on from your computer. First, you'll need to sign into your Masterpass account using either your mobile number or email. Once you're signed in, click Edit next to Wallet Information .  Under Wallet Information select the Delete Wallet  link at the bottom left side of the page. You will receive a pop up asking you to confirm that you wanted your wallet deleted - click to confirm. When your account is deleted, all information is removed from the Masterpass database. 
I'm signing in on a new device and it's asking me for more authentication - what do I do?
If this is your first time checking out with your wallet on this browser, you will simply sign in and authenticate via a onetime code that will be sent to your phone or email.  Then choose your card and shipping address and hit Continue.
What mobile and web browsers are supported by Masterpass?
Masterpass works on modern web and mobile browsers including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer 11+. Tablet and mobile devices running either iOS 6+ or Android are also supported.
What does the "Remember Me On This Device" checkbox do?
The  Remember Me On This Device  checkbox allows you to sign into your  Masterpass account faster. This option allows your Masterpass profile to be recognized whenever you click the Masterpass  button or sign in to manage your Masterpass account, creating a quicker checkout experience. Your user name will be pre-populated and you will be able to bypass the onetime code authentication.  You can stop being remembered at any time by clearing cookies within your browser's options menu.  If you would like to change your account or sign in credentials, you can select Change your account  in the footer and either change your sign in information or select a new account.
I forgot which mobile number is associated with my account, what do I do?
Your Masterpass has that information and you can access it from your computer or mobile device. Sign in to your Masterpass account using the email address you entered when you created the account and you will be brought to your Account account screen that shows the mobile number associated with your account listed in the Account Information  section.  
I forgot which email address is associated with my account, what do I do?
Your Masterpass account has that information and you can access it from your computer or mobile device. Sign in to your Masterpass account using the mobile phone number you entered when you created the account and you will be brought to your account screen that shows the e-mail address associated with your account listed in the Account Information  section.  
What should I do if I no longer have access to the email address or phone number associated with my Masterpass account?

If you still have access to either your mobile phone number or your email address, you can sign in to your account using that information. It's also easy to update the personal information associated with your Masterpass account.

First sign in to your account and select Edit Account Information and make the necessary edits to your account. When you are finished making edits click Continue.

If you no longer have access to either your email or mobile phone number, please contact Masterpass Support by dialing toll-free 1-800-884-235 for assistance.

Can I enter a PO Box address as a shipping or billing address?
Yes, you can store a P.O. Box in your Masterpass as a shipping or billing address. However, since some merchants can't ship to P.O. Boxes, it's best to check their policy before choosing to ship to a P.O. Box. If you wish to store a P.O. Box as a billing address but receive an error message, please contact the bank or financial institution that issued your card to see if the issue is with your billing address.
My card was declined by the merchant, what should I do?

First, you should check that you have the correct and up-to-date card information stored in your wallet. Sign in to your Masterpass account, then select View all underneath Payment Methods. If the information is incorrect, click  the Edit icon next to the card that was declined, and re-enter your card information.

If the card information is correct, it's best to call the bank or financial institution that issued the card to see why it was declined. There is usually a customer service number for the issuing bank right on the back of your card.

What if the merchant doesn't accept the card I want to use to checkout?
Although we allow you to save all major cards in your account, some merchants may not accept all cards. If a card is not accepted, you will not be able to choose this card at checkout, and the card icon will be disabled. Retailers that offer Masterpass as a checkout option will always accept Mastercard®. 
Why can't I ship to the address I want to?
Every merchant is unique, and each one has its own policy when it comes to shipping. If a merchant cannot ship to one of your saved addresses, the icon containing the address will be disabled. Please select an alternate shipping address, if possible. If not, please contact the retailer directly for further assistance.
During checkout, I've selected the "Masterpass" checkout button on the Merchant's site, but now I've reached a new page. How do I sign in to my wallet?

After clicking or tapping the Masterpass checkout button, you will be directed  to enter your password to sign in. If you have not selected “Remember Me On This Device” previously or have not checked out on that browser before, you will have to enter your email or phone number to complete the sign in.

For future checkouts (if you have cookies enabled in your browser), select the Remember Me checkbox and you will only need to enter your password to complete your purchase.