First Edition Jade

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  • Variants/other editions: 
    • Dolls: 3 variants in all. Undetailed doll, detailed doll, 2005 re-released doll with holes in shoes
    • Boxes: 7 variants in all. Undetailed doll with Bandai box with non-holographic purple logo, detailed doll with MGA box with non-holographic purple logo, detailed doll with MGA box with holographic pink logo, undetailed doll with Japanese “Cool Bratz” TOMY box with non-holographic purple logo, detailed doll with “Original Edition” UK exclusive box with holographic pink logo, Bandai detailed or undetailed doll with only the character icon on box with non-holographic purple logo
  • Head mold: 2001, closed mouth, no pierced ears
  • Body mold: 2001, click knees, no painted underwear
  • Face screening: First Edition Jade
  • Hair color and type: Black, saran
  • Eye color: Brown

Bratz facts:The undetailed doll is similar to the detailed doll, however her hair is shorter and many of her clothes, shoes, and accessories are missing details. The detailed doll and Collector’s Edition re-release are identical. The only difference is that the Collector’s Edition doll has holes in the bottoms of her shoes.

Miniature versions of some of Jade’s clothes and shoes were used for the First Edition Lil’ Bratz. Her detailed tennis shoes were also used in several of the first shoe packs.