1991 Nissan Stanza Repair & Maintenance Costs

A guide to repairs, service, and maintenance costs for your 1991 Nissan Stanza
We don’t currently have enough data on the 1991 Nissan Stanza to give you an accurate yearly maintenance cost. For details on the 1991 Nissan Stanza, click here.
1991 Nissan Stanza
1991 Nissan Stanza

Most Common 1991 Nissan Stanza Problems

1991 Nissan Stanza vehicles have 1 reported problems.The most commonly reported 1991 Nissan Stanza problem is: Clogged EGR passage
1991 Nissan Stanza
Clogged exhaust gas recirculation (egr) passages in the intake manifold can become clogged resulting in a rough...

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Most Common 1991 Nissan Stanza Questions

There are 7 related questions for 1991 Nissan Stanza vehicles. RepairPal's professional community answers hundreds of questions each day. Below are the most commonly asked questions.
1991 Nissan Stanza
After husband towed my 91 nissan stanza a short distance with a chain attached to front tow hitch. after slowing for...
1991 Nissan Stanza
I went to get in my car and the clutch went down but won't come up

1991 Nissan Stanza Recalls

1991 Nissan Stanza vehicles have 1 known recalls. The most common recall is: Nissan Recalls 1990-1994 Models Due to Problem with Fuel Filler Tube.