If you would like to opt-in to receiving text messages from the District,
please reach out to your child's school to update the registration form.

Looking for your child's student ID? Click Here
Hint: pb + student number for username and password (ex: pb12345678)

(For assistance please call your child's school.)

Parents and Guardians,

As we prepare to begin the 2020-21 school year we are asking for your help in planning for your child. While all District schools will begin the year with distance learning, the Superintendent’s goal is to open campuses based on guidance from local health advisors once it is safer to do so.

If you have not registered your child for this upcoming school year, please use this link to get directions to do so: https://www.palmbeachschools.org/students_parents/student_registration.

If you have already registered for school, we ask you to help us prepare to best serve your student’s individual needs. To do this we need to know:

  • The best phone number to reach you as the child’s parent/ guardian.

  • What your child’s technology needs are for distance learning.

  • What your plan is for your child when schools are able to reopen guided by CDC guidelines and legal requirements.

  • If your child will need bus transportation when the District reopens school campuses.

To gather this information, we are asking you to log in here with pb (lowercase) and your child’s student ID to complete a brief questionnaire. The username and password are the same. You can find your Student's ID on the Parent Gateway, Report Cards, and Progress Reports. We ask that you complete these items for each child in your household by August 15, 2020. You must log in for each child separately.

Please note, when students return to school buildings the District will incorporate CDC guidelines and legal requirements to the extent possible) to reduce the spread of the virus. This includes social distancing, frequent handwashing, and required facial coverings- unless documented that a facial covering cannot be worn.

Instructions on how to log in to complete the questionnaire are provided below. If you would like to complete this questionnaire on paper, need your child’s Student ID, or are unable to log in, please reach out to your child’s school for support.