Blue Moon Magic is Headed Our Way!

As some of you may know we are in for a treat Friday, July 31st when we are blessed with the second full moon of the month- making it a “Blue Moon”.

There is a lot of energy Coming to Us at this Point
So those of you who cant focus, or sleep, or have a lot of nervous energy- BREATHE! It is going to pass soon. The best way to think about it is; wih any Full Moon, a lot of energy is coming down cosmically to each of us to prepare us for the lessons we will soon be learning during the full moon. And if this happens and we arent ready for it or if we are unaware of what exactly is happening it affects us in an odd way. It can make us sick, or confused, or angry and thats normal. In the next few days if you feel this way take some time to breathe deeply and refocus your attention to the good things you enjoy having in your life. Make a list if you have to! Then go back to what you were doing before, this energy can be a lot to handle at once but taking time for yourself to recollect your thoughts can go a long way during this time.

We may feel Pushed in many Directions
As with any full moon, your emotions are going to be magnified. And that’s the most important thing to remember with the full moon. If you are happy you will likely feel ecstatic when the moon energy gets to you, if you are sad you will likely stay in that state as well. Care for yourself and try to keep yourself in that feel good state- you’ll end up feeling even better when the full moon energy hits you.
Like all the full moons before it, you will probably notice things that no longer serve you are leaving your life. It’s important right now to reflect and see what in your life you have been neglecting, have you been neglecting it for a reason? Are there people in your sphere that treat you badly? Is there something calling your name but you havent gone for it because something (that maybe isnt a suited to you) is in the way? Do you feel the push to change jobs or pursue another dream? Light is going to be shed on many things during this time, we are going to be shown things we haven’t seen before as the light of the full moon illuminates things that maybe were in the dark before now. This is why it is important to slow down- you need to be able to objectively see the things you havent seen before this time. This is a big time for change in all of us, and you will learn a lot if you take the time to slow down and connect with yourself and your innermost feelings.

Are you Getting the Wake up Call you’ve Needed?
The “Blue Moon” has a tendency to test us by showing us what we are afraid of losing and then giving us the decision whether to keep it or get rid of it. Believe it or not sometimes those things we fear losing are the things that hold us back from reaching our full potential. So if you are being tested by the Universe really look at what is going on, it could very well be a push in the right direction.
Many of us are also going to be learning that we are responsible for every single thing that happens in our life. Many who haven’t will probably learn more about the laws of the Universe (law of attraction, manifesting, etc.) and opening up to it a little more.
The past will be illuminated as will our “shadow selves” and you may learn in the next few days where changes need to happen. Those of us working on changes already will probably get a push in the right direction they were hoping for.

Most Importantly, Stay away from Fear!
Even if you are facing one of the scariest moments of your life, remember that some of the greatest things happen for us when we leave our comfort zone. Obviously we like being in our comfort zone- but dont be surprised if you are challenged to step outside of that place in the next few days and if you can, be open to this new idea, person, activity because it could very well change your life! Now is a good time to overcome fear because you will be presented with it most likely! So if you can, face a fear head on! Afraid of flying? Go on a trip somewhere! Fear does not serve you in any way, and you may find by facing a fear there isn’t actually something to be fearful of.

If anything is Certain, it’s Change!
But that is not a bad thing! We are in a constant state of change on this planet so be as open as you can to the new things that come your way! It isnt going to be a tough change, it wont be abrupt, if anything it will feel natural to you as it is a change you need or been waiting for! It’s just that last push you need to get you where you want to be! The changes that happen now are just a taste at the big changes to come in the next few months! So buckle up and prepare yourself!

Lot’s will be happening during this full moon to close the month of July, but you’ve got this and remember, there is nothing to fear!

Much of the information here was found at:

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