Thalia dealbata, Powdery Thalia, Hardy Canna, Water Canna, Alligator Flag

Thalia dealbata

Powdery Thalia, Hardy Canna, Water Canna, Alligator Flag
Family: Marantaceae
Origin: Southeastern North America
Small plant 2-5 ftSemi-shadeShadeBog or aquatic plantBlue, lavender, purple flowersFlood tolerant plant

Powdery Alligator Flag is a robust, tropical, aquatic perennial. The large, broadly lance-shaped, long-petioled leaves are covered with a white powdery coating as are all parts of the plant. The blue and purple flowers are crowded in an open panicle. Alligator Flag can reach heights of 6 feet tall and leaves as wide as 20 inches.

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