Shop New Cars at Davis CDJR in Yulee, FL

If you're in the market for a new car, you've come to the right place. At Davis CDJR, in Yulee, FL, we have a great selection of all the latest new cars from Dodge and Chrysler. Browse through our entire inventory online or in person and buy a car you'll love in Yulee today! 

* MSRP is the Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) of the vehicle. It does not include any taxes, fees or other charges. Pricing and availability may vary based on a variety of factors, including options, dealer, specials, fees, and financing qualifications. Consult your dealer for actual price and complete details. Vehicles shown may have optional equipment at additional cost.

* The estimated selling price that appears after calculating dealer offers is for informational purposes, only. You may not qualify for the offers, incentives, discounts, or financing. Offers, incentives, discounts, or financing are subject to expiration and other restrictions. See dealer for qualifications and complete details.

* Images, prices, and options shown, including vehicle color, trim, options, pricing and other specifications are subject to availability, incentive offerings, current pricing and credit worthiness.

* In transit means that vehicles have been built, but have not yet arrived at your dealer. Images shown may not necessarily represent identical vehicles in transit to your dealership. See your dealer for actual price, payments and complete details.

* Due to limited supply, many models in inventory are subject to an adjusted market pricing above MSRP. MSRP published on website is directly from the manufacturer, not the Davis Auto Group/Davis Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram. Ask your sales associate for detailed pricing.

Shop Dodge Cars: Charger & Challenger

While the Dodge Charger is classified as a sedan, and the Challenger is classified as a coupe, both offer loads of sporty, muscle car power. If you're looking for more cargo room and more comfortable seating, we recommend the Dodge Charger. As a sedan, it offers the greater utility of the two vehicles. On the Challenger side of things, you'll get better performance out of the coupe and also save some money on the price tag along the way. Shop for a new Dodge Charger or a new Dodge Challenger in Yulee, FL, today.  

Shop the Chrysler 300 & 300c

The Chrysler 300 series is one of the most respected sedans to hit the streets. Synonymous with eliteness, the Chrysler 300 offers 292 base horsepower and plenty of swagger to go along with it. However, for a true and whole 300 experience, you gotta go for the Chrysler 300c. Loaded with a 485 horsepower V8 engine and oozing with luxury, the Chrysler 300c is in a league of its own. Shop Chrysler 300 and 300c models at Davis CDJR today.

Financing Your Car in Yulee, FL

While you shop for your dream car, it is important to keep your finances in mind. Luckily, Davis CDJR has a finance department ready to help you get approved for an affordable auto loan. Fill out our simple online credit application, and you'll receive your results within minutes. Finance your car at Davis CDJR in Yulee, FL, today.

Why Buy Here

With all of the automotive goods and services you'll need and our convenient location, there is no shortage of reasons to shop at Davis CDJR in Yulee, FL. We are staffed by friendly and knowledgeable professionals ready to help you in any way they can. During our time in business, we have learned quite a bit about superior service. That's why Davis CDJR is a six-year, 5-Star dealership. Located just two exits north of the Jacksonville International Airport and two exits south of the Georgia border at exit 373, there's no better place to shop for a new car than Davis CDJR in Yulee, FL.

Contact Us to Schedule a Test Drive

If you'd like a closer look at one of the outstanding new cars available on our lot, be sure to schedule a test drive. Our dealership auto experts would love to take you out and share everything they know about the Dodge Charger, Dodge Challenger, and Chrysler 300. Contact us to schedule your test drive today.