1997 4x4 Explorer Eddie Bauer, tire size | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1997 4x4 Explorer Eddie Bauer, tire size


April 14, 2015
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1997 Explorer 4x4
Can I go to a 16" wheels & tires:eek: on my hoopty?? It has 15" wheels & tires on it now, I'm thinking like 255-70-16 without modifying anything.

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My 96 Eddie Bauer 4x4 uses a 255/70R16 as a stock tire.

P255/70R16 stock here too.

255/70R16 on stock '98 XLT. Pic taken before any mods.


wheel size explorer / f150

Those rims you have on your 98, are they the same as a 98 f150?? as far as the rim goes? They look the same.


I'm running 265/70/16 with a little TT and rear spring lift.

Stock was the 255's. Now running 245/70R16. Why? Who knows :dunno:

Can I go to a 16" wheels & tires:eek: on my hoopty?? It has 15" wheels & tires on it now, I'm thinking like 255-70-16 without modifying anything.

Don't see why not, my EB has 16" wheels.

Your speedo may be a bit off though.

I just upgraded my '99 Mounty from stock 235/75R15 to stock option 255/70R16. No lift or mods required, the wheel wells just look a little bit fuller!

The speedometer difference was about 6%. You can change a little plastic gear in your Transfer Case ($8 part, 5-10 minutes).


Interesting. I have an original 96 V8 EB AWD (not selectable 4x4/4x2).. Rims are 15'' Wheels 235/70 R15..
I scanned my car manual because of this thread.. It is original 15'' with tear drop pattern rims.

My stock '98 4x4 came with the 945a Preferred Package and Trailer Towing and P235/75r15's were on it when I bought it. Still running them.
